-> Heyyyo everyone! My name is Keenan, most of my friends call me KeeChainZ so that is why my minecraft name is that They got that name from my name Keenan and 2Chainz! :p Any ways, this is my moderator application hope you guys like! I would like to moderate THE FORUMS. I'm not sure if this is an option yet but I would love to if at all possible. -> My application is going to be divided into the following categories; ~ About me ~ My life ~ Moderator info ~ Me and mineverse ~ Other info about me ~ Closing Remarks How Old Am I?: I am currently 15, although, I am turning 16 on the 18th of June. (Pretty close I know(; ) In Game Name?: As you can see it is KeeChainZ :3 If you look at the top you can see a little detail of how I got that name :p What Time Zone?: I live in Pennsylvania, so therefore I live in the Eastern Time Zone (UTC-05:00). What Country Do I live In?: I live in Pennsylvania, which is in the United States of America as I mentioned above. Although I am learning French at the moment which you will read below, and my hopes are to move to France hopefully! :D What Languages Do I Speak?: I was born and raised in Pennsylvania, so I grew up speaking the English language. Although, in school I am required to take a language at this point and I choose to take French, and I am very much enjoying it and very good at it. :D Why Should I Become A Moderator?: There are many reasons why I as KeeChainZ (; feel like i should become a moderator; I feel I am very responsible, I am very nice to everyone, I love the server, I get many people banned for hacking(not that it's something to brag about, just the fact that I put an end to a lot of them): If I was a moderator those people would be banned a lot sooner, and I am also on the forums all the time. There are many more details below; 1.) First off I love playing KitPvP, but I am very tired of trying to have a fun enjoyable time with some friends while there are hackers out there ruining the game for those that enjoy it for how it is supposed to be. Therefore, I would want to stop any sign of hackers and put that to an end. I want to eliminate all the hackers and do my job right. 2.) I consider myself a very friendly person and a player that is very good to get along with :3 Therefore, I would like to play on the server and be there to enjoy the game and make friends with all of the players and treat them how they should be treated. I love to help people when they need help. I am always there playing with people and being very friendly with all of them. 3.) I am a daily visitor on these forums and this website in general, I am always on here at home while playing and enjoying this server, also I tend to be on it at school on my free time. I am here to read moderator applications and support if need of support, or give advice if needed. I am also here to check the ban appeals and only accept the ban appeals that are good enough to be unbanned, but also, I would only unban them if they show themselves worthy enough to be unbanned. I plan to put a stop to those hackers! I am also constantly posting reports and supportive detail on peoples threads. 4.) I am a very trustworthy player, I have never once been on a server that I have been staff on and griefed it or abused my powers. I am there to simply use my powers only when necessary and not to take revenge or abuse them because I am mad. I am there to monitor the server and make sure it is a nice and safe environment from any age of kids. I am aware that there are many little kids on the server, and there are many kids on there that swear and curse. I do not like seeing that in chat, and I would simply like to stop that and make it enjoyable for the kids who shouldn't being seeing words like those. 5.) I am also very successful when it comes to coding, I would not consider permissions coding, but I am expirienced in java, c++, and various. I run a very well setup minecraft server for me and my friends and I very much enjoy configuring with plugins and permissions, if at anytime that is needed, you may just give me a hollar and i will help you! -> Those are basically the main details as to why I feel like I should be a moderator, I am very helpful and enjoy this server a lot, and will do anything to help out and do whatever is needed! Hope those details helped you know a little about me and what sets me apart from other people! Hours I Can Be On The Server?: -> I do a lot of sports, so whenever I occur to have sports, I will not be on till 5 after my school day, although all my sports are over at the moment so I am good on that part. My deal for the summer is I have to go to work about every day and I have lots of other things going on in the summer; So I will not be on untill about 2pm every summer day. There will be some days during the summer where I most likely will not be on although; Week Days: Monday-Friday: Usually about 3:30pm -7 or 8pm most days. Weekends: Saturday-Sunday: Varies on my schedule, but usually I will be on in the mornings till about 12, and then on again in the afternoon around 6 or so. Again don't rely on this cause it does vary depending on my schedule. How Long Have I Played On Mineverse?: I have played on Mineverse for approximately 1 year now. I had played a good bit more on an old account but I got a new one. Past Experiences Of Staff?: I have been staff on about 4 other servers. I have been various ranks of staff, I have been all the way from a moderator to admin to co-owner. Not to mention the fact that I own my own server so I am a owner on there! :D Extra Info About Me!: - I am a computer nerd :3 - I love to code in java and c++ - I am an 9th grader - I like every food... except yogurt! It's odd but it's true :p - I have a dog named Casey; He is a golden retriever - I wrestle, golf, run(cross country), swim, and track - I am very friendly and love to make friends with people - My skype is: keechainz Add me if you have any questions or want to play together - I have blue eyes and blond hair - I am 5'6" - My Favorite animal is a polar bear! :p - I am apart of ~De♠th De♠lers~ (it's our clan to take down hackers) - I love to be creative and love using photoshop; I even have a thread for it. I also love drawing and fooling around with Cinema4D. I used to have a small business of fixing people computers, now I simply just teach people to code. - I am always recording while I play and go back and watch the videos to look for hackers to eliminate those players that ruin the game. - I love KitPvP, if you ever want to play that with me just skype me! - I can solve a 2x2 - 3x3 - and 5x5 rubik's cube :p - I snowboard and skateboard - I also play tenor saxophone -> I hope you guys like my application and give me some support and help me out! See ya guys! :D -> " Stay Alert, Stay Alive " The marine modo and it will be mine if I get the position to stay alert on mineverse and to not abuse, and to stay alive and remain a moderator. Thanks for any support/feedback I really appreciate it! -> Ill see all of you around on my favorite servers, hope to see you soon! Au revoir! :p (thats French :3) NOTICE: I want all of you to give me a second chance, I had applied about 5 months ago and I had shut it down. I had many supporters but some no supporters. I have been accused for certain things that wern't true and certain things that were true. I hope to have you guys realize I am much more mature now and I have changed. I would hope that you would all give me a second chance and please reconsider me. Thanks for your time, thank you!
This is EASILY one of the best moderator apps I've ever seen- and I play/played on 5 or 6 servers. Might be the best of the best...
Sorry I don't recall seeing you before? Lol I'll make a note to say hi next time! But thanks everyone!