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  • Please read this [ Too all mods and maybe owner]

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by matt10chr, Aug 23, 2014.

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    1. matt10chr

      matt10chr Experienced Member

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Ok, I been posting so many reports and so many reports have been posted. Please mods check out the reports and ban or disagree them please. Their all Piling up. Just do reports. I know your all busy but we need a mod that will be always on. If I was a mod I would always be doing reports but I know I am not getting it. I made a lot of Mistakes, Like when I hacked. But, I stopped. I would never do that again. The point is I think we need to get a mod to always do the reports everyday. I would if I was mod, But I am NOT. So its your job to do the reports. Thank you, If you Checked out the reports , and Read This Thread.
    2. Maddy1145

      Maddy1145 Guest

      The mods are doing their best and do not need you to tell them how to do their job. The staff has done a fairly good job keeping up with their multiple responsibilities, and if a mod doesn't respond right away, that doesn't mean they aren't doing their job.
    3. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      I understand where you are coming from. I am sorry for taking this long for my break/recovery from my break. I have gotten used to not doing things around the server, and I will fix that ASAP. Unfortunately I have seen a ton of other Mods on doing the same thing as me. I blame myself as I am not setting myself as a good idol for them. I am not trying to create an excuse for this, as I know I need to step up my game with moderation. I will get to work tonight and clear reports if a Moderator decides not to get to them before me. I am sorry.

      Thank you for the reminder.
    4. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      You have to wait! The mods also have lives. They aren't on 24/7. They will eventually get to it.
    5. VaMeSa123

      VaMeSa123 Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      I agree to this. I understand mods have lives too. However I also notice reports piling up. I see Hackers in game that needs to be banned. I see people spamming me on skype, because no mods are doing ban appeals. I see mods have time making other random threads, while reports and ban appeals are piling up. This is what I see, I'm sorry if I offend anyone.
    6. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      I notified all of the Mods about this thread.

      Also, please do not spam me on Skype as I am really busy and I hate this.
      [5:09:55 PM] Grayson: Hello! What do you need, bud?
      [5:09:57 PM] Player: Beef
      [5:10:00 PM] Grayson: Yes?
      [5:10:04 PM] Player: I need to talk to u
      [5:10:47 PM] *** Missed call from Player. ***
      [5:10:49 PM] Grayson: I cannot call currently.
      [5:11:05 PM] Charlie: Please it's 1 min
      [5:11:32 PM] Grayson: I cannot call.
      [5:11:47 PM] *** Missed call from Player. ***
      [5:12:03 PM] Player: Ok can u txt
      [5:12:18 PM] Player: Like on here?
      [5:12:34 PM] Player: May I tell u what I need u to do??
      [5:13:13 PM] Player: ?
      [5:13:48 PM] *** Missed call from Player. ***
      [5:14:01 PM] Player: Beef, I know I was wrong. I understand the things I have said could hurt player's feelings. I'm very sorry for that. I promise with all my heart that this will never happen ever again. Never to a player, mod anyone. I will respect everyone best I can. I'm so sorry. We are both human, we make mistakes. Give me a chance. Please. Thank very much
      [5:14:17 PM] Player: That's what I said on forums can u please look
      [5:14:28 PM] Grayson: Blocking.
      [5:14:35 PM] *** Grayson blocked Player ***
      If you want to get a hold of a staff member, wait until they are available or get a different staff member. Do not harass one until they are available.
    7. fendodo

      fendodo Guest

      Matt, you need to realize that moderators don't just moderate. Some have kids, some have jobs and some have things to do other then deal with this. I understand that you're upset with the performance but it's nothing to make a thread about. The mods are super scheduled and I know that every single one wants to help MV just as much as the next. You just have to realize that some don't have the time. I think that the moderators are doing a great job on the reports & appeals, actually all in general. They need to have free-time. They can't just be on 24/7 to support you. I just hope you can get that they are doing the best they can and that they always strive to improve. Great job to all you moderators and owners. You all are doing a fantastic job! Keep it up guys, don't let threads like this bring you down!
    8. matt10chr

      matt10chr Experienced Member

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Sorry, But I know they have lives but some are just kids. I think They could just check the reports just once everyday or more. That will be fine with me.
    9. fendodo

      fendodo Guest

      Look, you don't understand that they are mature. Even "kids" have things to do. Some "kids" don't have time for this. They may have to do their chores or go somewhere with their family. Please, stop trying to prove a point because you won't get there, bud.
    10. matt10chr

      matt10chr Experienced Member

      Feb 22, 2014
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      I just need them too look at reports. That's all I want.
    11. fendodo

      fendodo Guest

      They are, you need to be patient.
    12. matt10chr

      matt10chr Experienced Member

      Feb 22, 2014
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      WOW, Your saying I don't have a life? Bro, I lived more life then you. I am JUST FREAKEN saying IF U wanted to be mod. You atleast have to check reports and keep the server safe. Bro, Just saying. I am in a lot of sports. Anyway, got to go to cross country practice tomorrow and then go to soccer practice 2 hours after that. I have to run 6 miles everyday for Cross country.
    13. matt10chr

      matt10chr Experienced Member

      Feb 22, 2014
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      I waited about 3 days for most of my reports. That might be not a lot, but I think they should atleast be checked everyday at their free time at home. I know they have lives but it wont hurt to go on their Phone and just check it out.
    14. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      I am uploading a montage of players hacking that contains 30 players...
      I do try to keep the server maintained.
    15. fendodo

      fendodo Guest

      @matt10chr, See what Beefy just said? Now don't try to act like they don't do anything. Please, if you're going to say something... Please know what you're talking about or have proof with details.
    16. matt10chr

      matt10chr Experienced Member

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Just shut up. I know he is helping. But, still My report didn't even get looked at. So, I am gonna keep talking.
    17. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Mods are looking at reports currently.
      Please be patient in the process.

      Locking and Archiving.
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