Ya know I wasn't going to get you until you said that and challenge accepted.... And completed... Hey @Brian J , Welcome to my collection, you may bow down to your leader now :P
Main Targets: 1. Pile_of_butts 2. MrBeefCak3 3. Glaadiator 4. Jadey64 5. ScoFu13 *Main Target* 6. Firo3000 7. Guyp196 8. @MiningCreeper454 9. @Chezby Other targets: 1. Brian j 2. Madisonjr 3. MrParkourGuy Videos on all the ones shall be up soon.
@SomeGuy Welcome to my collection ;3 @Glaadiator Good times ;) @madisonjr mmmmm ;D @jadey64 You missed my violation on you...here I recorded it :PP @Firo3000 you should have wondered why I followed you for 5 min ;) You thought I wouldn't get you, but I did. @Chezby I have a thing for link ya know :PP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9pLmmkZ96o
Perhaps maybe we could add a leaderboards or something along with our rank, as in how many we have violated? Like 1 point per staff Violation 2 points for a violations on a unique staff member *for challenges* and half a point for violating an A.O.V. *to keep a lot of fun in this*
My List: Main Targets: 1. @Pile_of_Butts 2. @MrBeefCak3 3. @Glaadiator 4. @jadey64 5. @ScoFu13 *Main Target* 6. @Firo3000 7. @Guyp196 8. @MiningCreeper454 9. @Chezby 10. Brian j 11. @madisonjr 12. @MrParkourGuy 13 @kirbyo32 14. @Lola Perez 15. @Laura_or_is_it .Total Mods Sucessfully Graped: 8