so me and dj were having an argument. he was saying i was in /d when i wasn't the came to my pvp arena and said that my pet was me when it wasnt. This argument went on for about 20 minutes. finally he came back and started punching my pet like a noob. he still thinks my pet is my. To prove it i got my pet in screenie at the side of him before he stared punching it.he also said he put me on forums as a baby chicken and he still hasnt done that yet. i just thought i should prove i wasnt in /d and to show he was being a total noob.
Btw, There could only be 2 of you, Your pet and your real person. No other Person was there to ./pet select for you :P Nice try bbeh
↑ in the pic you died in that was my pet i was behind you. Likely story. And how about the first? any explanation for that, However wild it may be? i just said that was before the argument
Instead of copy pasting what he said, click "Reply" under the Dumb rating button, and i recommend you use both on Bobby.