Fearless Is Back!! About Fearless: Fearless is a competitive faction that raids a lot and pvp's a lot. Its just what we do as a faction. We have been in mineverse for a long time. if you play factions then you know me as Stealthbomber320. This faction is a faction all about fun. we arnt a vault faction as we have a f home and share about everything but our ender chest. We love people who want to help out with the faction and we hate Betrayers. we have been betrayed about 20 times now and im not about to let that happen again. Now we are being VERY strict on who enters the faction and what their job is. Ranging from builder to full time pvper it could be anything based on your skills. We would love to see your application if your reading this and hope to see you online. Fearless Staff 1. If You See A Teammate Fighting And Its Not A 1v1. Then You Help Him. We Don't Care If You Have All Your Op Stuff With You. You Either Jump In And Help Like A True Fearless Or Get Kicked. 2. No Mining From The Base. Yes, We Have A Base. 3. Don't Ask For Mod. It Is A Privilege Not Something You Get Once You Join. 4. Use Common Sense. Don't Raid And As I Like To Say. Make Your Faction Before Your Blood. 5. HAVE FUN!!!! <--------- Best Rule If You Want To Join Fearless Copy This Sheet And Past It On The Comments. Fill The Form And Hit Send/Enter. 1. Have You Hacked Or Do You Hack Atm. 2. Have You Been Banned Before? If So, Why. 3. How Long Have You Been On Mineverse. 4. Did You Use To Play Kit Pvp? 5. How Good Are You At Pvp? 1-10. 6.Building? 1-10: 7. Are You Staff On Mineverse Or On Any Other Server. 8. Are You Trustworthy. If So, Why. [ More Than 1 Sentence Please] 9. Why Should You Be Invited To Fearless[Impress Me]: 10. How old are you? 11.What country do you live in? 12.When do you usually get online? Want To Be Ally Or Truce? Fill Out This Form 1. Ally Or Truce? 2. Faction Name: 3. Ign: 4. How Will We Profit From Ally/trucing You? 5. Why Should We Ally/Truce You? Fearless Members Owner: Stealthbomber320 Co-Owners: Blaa944 Sabres71 D1amondF1nder11 Members: Okbeast123 Jibonbdcraft Beastguy320 littlebro321 Thanks For Reading/Applying And Have A Great Day! Contact Fearless Leaders At [email protected]
Mineverse didn't exist in 2011 -____- Also, it's very annoying when you Talk Like This With Capitalization In Each Word