Okay, so as you can tell... I am stuck in a tree. I enderpearled and got stuck. Yes, I have tried everything I am capable of doing but yet I am still stuck. Can A Mod Possibly Tp Me Out Of There? Very Low On Health What I Tried: Crouching and doing /spawn : Failed 3 times Eating Gapples To Try and Keep Doing /spawn: Won't let Me Eat Them Splashing Myself With Insta Health Potions: Will not heal me So, I need a Mod too please teleport me out of the tree. If a second is wasted, I will die. Can anyone help me?
Did you even read what I posted? It says, I can't gapple, pearl out, or anything whatsoever. Please read what I have to say before telling me something I cannot do. But thanks for trying to help me and commenting.
Has this been resolved? If I do not get a reply I will archive this within 48h. If you disagree with that, report this post and a staff member will unarchive.