Theres a room in infection on the map caves that is only open-able if u hack. For the longest time the room was closed ,but more hackers have showed up recently and the room gets opened. The room is op once in there you won't die and its a way of xp farming. Alot of people hate this suggestion ,but we shouldn't be giving hackers an advatage. Mods who come on to infection every once in a while have noticed the room being occupied and are like "WTF thats supposed to be closed" I suggest breaking the redstone to the pistons that move the blocks so u can go in there but u can't seal ur self in.
No its hasn't been torches all the players who get torches suck at parkour and can't get to the area that the torch opens the room. And its opened before infection spreads. I've watched where the hackers sit to open it and it really bugs me that i can't report due to upload times taking hours and all the staff would see is a person standing and maybe hear the pistons open ,but most likely not.
like i said it gets opened before infection spreads. so there is no way to get rofls which means no way to get torches. Plus that player wouldn't do it any ways cause they can't use the room due to parkour being impossible to do backwards in the 10 seconds or so u have to get to the room
yes but the only way to open the room with torches is by doing the parkour. the last platform is where u place the torch.