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  • Creative Plotme Help/Command Guide/ WorldEdit Guide!

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by iGlitcher, Aug 13, 2014.


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    1. iGlitcher

      iGlitcher Well-Known Member

      Feb 17, 2014
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      Heres a little tip guide on creative and helpful ways to use it, so here we go

      Let's start with PlotMe.

      /plotme home- Takes you to your original plot

      /plotme auto - makes a new plot

      /plotme clear - clears your plot but doesn't sell it.

      /plotme addmember (Player) - Adds a member

      /plotme delmember (Player) - removes a member

      World Edit:

      //wand - Gives a wand

      //copy (Now Unavailable) - Copies the selected area

      //paste (Now Unavailable) - Pastes the copied area

      //set (Block) - Sets a block put after set

      Default Commands:

      /spawn - Get back to spawn!

      /msg,/t,/w,/tell,/whisper,/m,etc - Message a player.

      /r - Reply to a message.

      /kit (Kit) - Look at your kits and recieve them

      /gm - Change your gamemode.

      /god - enable/disable God Mode/Invurnability/Invincibilty.

      /fly - Enable/Disable fly mode.

      /jump - Teleport to the block pointed at (Baiscally it makes you feel like nightcrawler from X2, Kewl huh?

      /enchant - Enchant a item.

      /repair - Repair a damaged item.

      Moderator Commands (For Silly Moderators :3, c: jkjk, this is for you if your going to make a server and you need to know the commands for your mods)

      /ban - Bans a player.

      /banip - Bans a players IP

      /kick - Kicks a player

      /jail - Jails a player

      /mute - Mutes a player

      /fly - Enable Fly Mode (NOT TO BE USED IN COMBAT!)

      /tempban - Temporairly Bans a player.

      Now to finish off I will go off with some rules that were made because of a "Unexpected" Cause.

      Regarding Death Items and God Items.

      As you know since some time players have begun to create God Items, as you know, most god items are formed from the mod you know as Alluwant, a forge mod, As you know, God Items are ok, and do add special abilities as well, but now lemme introduce something else to you, Ever heard of a death item? I have no clue how there made, neither do I wanna know, Death items are cursed items, when held, they cause certain affects, like potion affects in a way, kinda like a powertool, but it does it without a trigger, the command is /kill @p :confused: if it was a powertool hooked on a command block, but, death items will trigger automatic death as soon as being held by the hand, Blocking access from you respawning, The only way to undo this is for a mod to /heal you I believe or /clear you. Heres a tip.

      If you are caught with a death item, this may happen.

      Permently banned from creative.
      IP Ban
      Or Clear of invetory, if you didn't know and you were a victim.

      If caught making Death items or selling them, this will happen.

      A Perm Ban From Creative or the Lobby. o.O

      Thanks for reading my Awesome creative guide!

      Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
    2. New Atlus

      New Atlus Experienced Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      "A Pern Ban From Creative or the Lobby without a appeal"
    3. iGlitcher

      iGlitcher Well-Known Member

      Feb 17, 2014
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      Thanks for spotting that out for me.

      Edit: Edited

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