;-; Not my fault If mods arnt on and i see you guys hacking out of prison map camel If i was mod that would be a straight bann cause you guys tpa me to you I have evidence for any staff who would like to see them out of prison And thank you people who do support I know Ive been banned but I asked a mod madison If being banned ruins the chance of becoming a mod she said no so I don't know why your complaining about my bans when you haven't seen the Better side of me .
Chriscraft The app is okay I understand That I have done some wrong but I know you can see the better side of me ty for support guys you can't force someone to not bump my app maybe you could read my app then comment
SUPPORT DOOD you are amazing and cool.you woud make a great guard and youre kind to me and anyone who wants to team
It would be awesome for you to become Mod but usually not meaning to be mean when my friends became Mod they just became basically Asses and were always mean to me don't let me down SUPPORT!
Ill be honest I don't think you are cut out to be staff you curse a lot you break the rules from time to time , you are also really immature but with time you could calm down a bit and be a good Mod but for now. No support