I've been having trouble giving a name to my pet. Can someone give me an example of what i need to type.
It's simple /pet name (Your name of choice) If you want to use color in your pet names here are the basic codes. &1 is dark Blue &2 is green &3 Is a different kind of blue &4 is dark red &5 is purple &6 Is dark yellow &7 Is light gray &8 Is dark grey &9 is light blue There are also letter color codes. &a Is light green &b Is another light blue &c is light red &d is pink &e is yellow &f is white
/pet name (name of choice) You can style your writing as well! &4 &c &6 &e &2 &a &b &3 &1 &9 &d &5 &f - white &7 &8 &0 &l - Bold &n - Underline &o - Itallic &k - Magic - Random letters &m - Strike &r - Reset When formatting, make sure to do the font first. Ex. &n&bHi would be Hi Hope this helped
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