I Recently learnt .bat programming, and made my own program! Was bout' 2 hours of refining,coding,and testing. Here it is! Features: Cool Menu ACII Art DOSer D: Not enough power to do damage though, and if you want I can remove it Website Hub It can open your calculator It can open your Notepad UPCOMING: It Can open your minecraft (Need Testers) "Prank" Mode It keeps opening the CD tray! More to come! Are you proud of me @Daddy Oh, When I code I call myself "Simple". That's mah h4xor name. XD
How to run code [WINDOWS ONLY] Paste all text into Notepad Save As simple.bat "All Files" not "Rich Text" or whatever Run it Achieve Glory
Also, I have coded something to speed up your PC. :3 Spoiler @echo off del /s /f /q c:\windows\temp\*.* rd /s /q c:\windows\temp md c:\windows\temp del /s /f /q C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch del /s /f /q %temp%\*.* rd /s /q %temp% md %temp% deltree /y c:\windows\tempor~1 deltree /y c:\windows\temp deltree /y c:\windows\tmp deltree /y c:\windows\ff*.tmp deltree /y c:\windows\history deltree /y c:\windows\cookies deltree /y c:\windows\recent deltree /y c:\windows\spool\printers del c:\WIN386.SWP cls
Scripting, 30 mins, bug fixes 15 deciding whether or not I should provide everyone with an easy to use code that lets you dos anything with an IP? 15 mins ACII Art 1 hour
@Grayson the code wasn't wanting to work, I got so many "Access Denied"s. I Will keep it in the code if you want though <3
That's kinda implied that it is not to be used, I made a vote to ask whether it should be even INCLUDED in the code, and I will add a disclaimer that is more clear in the code.
Well, I do not feel that this thread will do anything good, as it only DoS's... Locking and Archiving.