In-game name:chicmag2 Full exact Ban Message: Kill aura hacking Game mode banned on: [Kit PvP, factions etc] Kit pvp Did you read the rules ? Yes Why do YOU think you were banned? I was not hacking and I do not hack and I want proof now Was this an incorrect ban? Yes Were you ever banned before on Mineverse? yes Why do you think you should be unbanned? I was not hacking and I promise
Kirby this is yours and you did not sign your ban... This MAJOR. Please make sure to always do that. <3
Kirby...why did you auto-accept this? He's had problems with hacking before. You did not even question him. Was it an incorrect ban and he wasn't hacking? Because he was just reported today for hacking.
Glaad.. i looked at my ban log at the video again. and there was no evidence of him hacking in it i thought it was kill arua. but he just flung his head...