Hai guys, its Punisher here, asking about your feedback on new in-game Kit PvP ranks!! Heres some here 1. Corpal - $100 in-game - Prot. 1 Leather armor - Unbreaking 1 and Sharp. 1 Wood sword - Potion Effects: None 2. PvPer - $150 in-game - Prot. 2 Iron armor - Unbreaking 2 and Sharp. 2 Iron sword - Potion Effects: Nausea 3. Pyro - $200 in-game - Fireprot. 2 Iron armor - Fire. 2 and Unbreaking 1 Stone sword- Potion Effects: Fire 4. Sergent - $300 in-game - Prot. 3 and Feather. 2 Gold armor - Knockback 1 and Looting 3 Gold sword - Potion Effects: Speed 1 for ever and Jump boost 1 for 1 minute 5. G-PvPer - $1000 in-game - Prot. 2 and Proj. 2 Diamond armor - Sharp. 3, Knockback 1 and Unbreaking 3 Diamond sword - Potion Effects: Strength 1 for 2 minutes Hoped you like the Kit PvP Ranks I worked really hard on this ._. Thank you
No support, thats not nice names to be posting. Nobody is going to want to be a "Bully" Or "Killer" Or "Assassin" I have been bullied, and some of my family was killed by assassins. Dont Judge me but these names are horrible things to be in my opinion. No Support
I never said I supported them...your going really out of detail @Derp and @davisabog. I never said I support them. There suggestions! Not something there going to add D:. Are on topic know guys?
I think its a good idea but some of the ranks for example: Rank G-Pvper, is a bit similar to the rank God and people paid actual money for the rank God so i suggest to higher the cost for the rank G-Pvper.