Since mine old intro was old and archived, I might as well make a new one. I might include some stuff that was in my old intro. Hello, my name is Firo or as glaad came up with this Fehro. My irl name is Fernando (yes, it's not firo) I'm 15 years old (most of you probably know) I live in sunny California (not giving out the city because of people) UnHidden Content: jarroy I have two dogs (German Shepard and an annoying chihuahua) and some fishes... I'm going to be a junior in high school (yes, 15 and a junior.) I was promoted on July the 4th, almost a month of moderating. I have met many great friends on this server (I would tag them, but tag alerts are sometimes annoying) If you can tell by my profile picture, yes, I'm a huge pokémon nerd >.> To any new member that reads this, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or annoy the crap out of the new staff :t: Yes, this is a lame introduction, I didn't know what else to write. Thanks for reading this lame intro, have a nice day
Hello! I'm glad as well <3 Hello! I would love to see you, if I have ignore you in-game, I'm really sorry ;-; Thanks! Nub :t: Hey rachet! Thanks! <3