I have created a redstone contraption on my creative plot that uses minecart hoppers, but the ClearLag that removes ground items also deletes my hopper minecarts. Can you fix this?
No, clearlag clears most entities, and hopperminecarts are not configurable by the clearlag .config. Any type of minecraft is an entitie. If you stack minecraft after minecraft it causes lag, which is the reason they will not disabled it. Someone could sabotage the server.
S'okay, i figured out how to skip the minecarts. I kno what clearlag does, but if it can't be configured not to hit minecarts, they should work on that.
They take away minecarts because they produce a lot of lag, if it didn't take away them people could just crash the server by spawning hundreds in game. Seeing as this has been answered I'm moving it to the archive.