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  • A little bit about jarroyonaples

    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by jarroy, Jul 28, 2014.

    1. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Hey Nubs.

      It's been a while since I've done an introduction (yes, I have made multiple ones) and looking over at people's introductions made me want to do one as well. I feel as if I've changed since the previous thread I made about myself, so why not?

      I guess I'll put in my personal and Mineverse information and have no particular structure in this... So let's get started.

      My name is David, known as jarroyonaples, or more often jarroy, and I'm a 15 year old male. I am Peruvian. My mom's great great great grandfather moved from Germany with his wife and went to Peru. My dad is 100% Peruvian.

      I am a friendly and annoying person. I can also be very egocentric, and demanding. I don't think it comes as a surprise to many of you, since I don't try to hide it. I believe everyone has some good intention in them, whether they are hackers or bullies, etc... Of course, there is a point where I can't handle them anymore, and they aren't the person I thought they could be, in my mind. One thing I do try to hide is my depression. There are only a few moments that I remember feeling "happy" or "relieved", from the stress that constantly pulls at me. One being the day I met my best friend for the first time. His name was, of course, Firo3000. It definitely felt awkward, because it was my first time skyping someone. I don't remember much on how it happened (or what date it was, RIP Friendiversary) but after a few days of getting to know him (or one day) he gave me his phone number. That's when I really knew we were friends. At the time I met him, I was not doing so good on friends here where I live. I lost probably all my friends in the midst of eighth grade (Earlier that year) and I was constantly being bullied. In 2012, I developed a worst-case scenario of OCD. Most people who have OCD usually have to clean something over and over, do something over and over. Put something down (e.g car keys) in the right place. Hah! No, not me. Every day, at school, after, let's say, after class period, when the bell rang. I went down the hallway, and I would look at some picture on a wall, and swivel my head 180 degrees because I didn't "want to get stuck behind the frame". It sounds so f***** up now, but to me it was a huge deal. If I slid my foot across the floor, I would have to slide it back, so I could continue walking. This is basically what caused me to lose all my friends. And I did it, EVERY DAY, at every Frame or whatever it was, billboard, poster, drinking fountain, you name it. People looked at me in the halls like "Wtf is wrong with this kid" or "kid needs to go to a hospital", and I was self conscious of everyone looking at me, whispering, etc. I went home and pretended like nothing happened. I did the same things at home. My parents weren't caring or anything, they told "STOP IT" or my dad would beat me until I stopped. They were ashamed, of having a child like me. They still loved me, but they were ashamed. You know how it feels to be ashamed of by your OWN parents? I did it everywhere. The store, a neighbors house, in the street.

      I was also very childish. I still played Mario games, Pokemon, Kirby. I listened to girly songs, I stayed at home, while the other boys were playing call of duty, rock songs, they always went out in groups.

      One day, my parents just decided to stop. They stopped yelling at me, my dad stopped hitting me. They just gave up. And honestly, I was also tired. I was tired of my life, I was done. I knew I was an outcast, a loser, a retard, a demented idiot, or so they called me at school. I cried every night, thinking I would never fit in. And on the plus side, I am fat, and that doesn't help either. When summer rolled around, all I did was stay in bed. I didn't want to swivel my head, and move my feet in the right position. I wanted to just lay there. My mom of course told me I had to do something. I couldn't. Every little step, cost me. Because my brain told me "do this" "do that".

      I got into Minecraft somewhere during the middle of June 2013. I loved it so much. I sat at the computer all day, building the worst things. I didn't know what server was until August. I found a server named -Stuff- It was the only fun server I played on. I was, moving up in ranks, being more well known. And then I found Mineverse. Actually, I didn't, my sister did. She was constantly looking for servers to play on. I found this one game, Infection. Everyone hated me. I was so annoying because I kept telling the more experienced, higher prestiged, that they "sucked balls" they were hackers, and I'm sure everyone at some point did that. The first high leveled player that took me in was Theman8775. He was around Prestige 3. He was always winning. One day, I caught him gliding, and I asked how he could do that. He responded "At the Mineverse shop you could buy "Flying Boots" but they were only for a limited time" LOL. I fell right into it. Of course I never bothered to check. Sometime in Late August/Early September, there was this Prestige 2 kid. He was always chatting and laughing along with everyone. I remember he killed me once, and I said "fdck u firo noob" He obviously didn't care, because I was a nobody to him. One day I remember I got 15 lucky xp, and went up to GySgt. The dialogue went something like this:

      Firo: "Lucky"
      Me: "Thanks :D"
      Me: "want to team Firo?"
      Firo: "sure"

      It was short, and simple. I don't quite remember after that, but we skyped, and we played Trouble In Mineville together. We were both weird. He turned on his camera and to this day I'm not sure why, but he was wearing a pikachu hoodie. I felt an emotion, something I hadn't felt for a long time, Happiness. I was happy. We've hid so many bumps in our friendship, but one way or another, we're still friends, I'm happy for that.

      So yeah, that's that.

      Around December 28, I lost all my Prestige levels. I was annoyed, I was raging in chat. I wanted to do something about it, but I didn't know what. I saw an announcement, "Now accepting mod applications" in the lobby. Being the noob I was, I applied the day I joined. I actually went back and looked at it, and I cringed. So bad. After that, the forums looked fun, and I stayed. I got to know more people. The first person I followed was Lola Perez. She was the one who convinced me to make an account. I got more and more familiar with the community, and I liked it. My first REAL application I made was at the end of February. My first support was Laura. And then Pile. I thought "UMG IMMA GET MUD ALREDY TO MODS SUPORT MEH"

      I got to know Pile more. She gave me her skype sometime later. She was an amazing friend to me. I loved her so. I guess you can say, we haven't really been buddy buddy for awhile. We don't talk as much, we barely even cross paths, but I know she's there. This one guy, MrBeefCak3. I met him on his server. He seemed fun and I liked him. The next day I was muted and banned ._. I understood why later, and that issue that made me get banned is cleared up now. After his promotion, me and him were friends that barely lasted two weeks. It was basically my fault, that we were no longer friends. I would bring up what I did to him, but I don't want to invade any personal info, but
      I guess you could say, it was my egocentricity and selfishness that ended our friendship. Two days ago, I think he was trying to become my friend again, but yesterday Mineverse was at its darkest moment and we couldn't really finish. Honestly, what I did to him has no apology, it was a "no appeal" kind of thing. I understood that.

      One of my best friends, Pink is always there for me. She is truly an amazing person, and amazing girl, when you get to know her, she's so confident, prudent, and most of all fabulous. :p

      Another amazing Bae is salamander9o she is a great and funny person. Words cannot express how BAEE she is.

      I've met many great people here. Many friends I've made, and enemies. This place is my home now. I've had worst things happen in life, but this place keeps me strong.

      To end it off, here are three random facts about me.

      I am suffering from insomnia. I can not sleep, even if I make everything dark, put any electronics away, turn on music, I always feel like I should be doing something, since my mind will not allow me sleep
      I am writing this at 3:40 AM.

      I have lived elsewhere, before moving to the state I currently live in. I used to live in Florida, for 1 year. I remember a lot of it. I lived in Naples, which is a two hour drive from Miami. Hence my name jarroyonaples.

      I have never kissed a girl. Yes I know don't hurt me. I just don't want herpes yet ;-; (jk) but honestly, I guess I haven't found THE one :p

      That's it. Sorry for going on, and on. This is an introduction thread after all, the point is to get to know me, right? I hope you understand how I am now.
      Yes I'm a f***** up person, but I don't think there is anything wrong with that. That's just the way I am, if you don't accept me, that's your loss.

      P.S: Fourth random fact: I almost burst into tears writing this a few times. My life is so lame. I can't even :p

      P.S.S: Sorry for any language. Don't hurt me );
      • Like Like x 3
    2. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      Dayum, that's a lot of writing.

      Welcome nub, ily.

      Don't let people get you down, you're amazing.
    3. xen

      xen Well-Known Member

      May 14, 2014
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    4. salamander

      salamander Boss Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      <3 Bae

      Sorry about you having a hard time. If you need anything, I'll be glad to help. <33
    5. xen

      xen Well-Known Member

      May 14, 2014
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      Seriously, I'm always available if you need to talk <33
      • Like Like x 2
    6. Layers12

      Layers12 Experienced Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      Wow, i actually read it all. nice to get to know the real David, You have to kiss a girl or boy doesn't matter, it's Awwsume.
      • Like Like x 1
    7. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      0.0 Hai <3
    8. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I also realized the title of the thread is an understatement. Sorry. Lol
    9. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Thanks Pinkeh c:


      Heheh idk :P

    10. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Hai I din't read da whole thing I was lazy
    11. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      If you need anyone to talk too :> I'm always here for you <3
    12. Jehtrox

      Jehtrox Active Member

      Jul 27, 2014
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      I'm still here. :P
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    13. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      I just read the whole thing ;-;

      Jarroy, I'm here for you, and will be til' the end. ilysm <3
    14. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      It's ok Lola :p

      Thanks Hipstah ;3

      I never said you left :3

    15. kitkat6605910

      kitkat6605910 Legendary Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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    16. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      It's ok <3
    17. kitkat6605910

      kitkat6605910 Legendary Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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    18. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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    19. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Jarroy, your an amazing friend. You've always been there for me, and I'll always be there for you. I really can relate to a lot of the stuff you said above. So if you ever need any advice, skype me <3
    20. kitkat6605910

      kitkat6605910 Legendary Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      ilysfm <3 Im always here for you C:

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