The first thing I do is check the forums :p BUT, aside from that, if that's what you do, I check my Instagram :> What do you do when you first get on your phone everyday? Aside from Forums
Well I turn the internet, run to my desk while my iPad and computer await me, I turn the iPad on, same as my computer, I go on the forums to see what's going on, I check my alerts etc, After that I go onto my instagram, check some stuff etc, I check my clash of clans, just in case.
Omgz that game was almost the death of me. Until I finally put it down and never picked it back up :P
I've only been playing it for a week or two. Now I'm already level 20. *Puts gun to head* Just pull the trigger!
Instagram, Forums, Netflix, Forums, Netflix, Forums, Netflix, Facebook, Netflix, Forums, App Store, Netflix, Forums, Netflix, Forums, Instagram, And Repeat. Skype, Kik and YouTube throughout the day (Pinkeh knows why Netflix over and over ;))
I don't do anything cause I don't have a cellphone with internet and stuff like that. I wish I had one tho
if you do decide to get one i recommend a nokia lumia of some sort( i have a 520) it is pretty cheap but can do most of the things top range smart phones can