This suggestion wants rofls/roflstomps having more deliverd packages like add Super Golden apple and when u eat them u get Strength and Resistance thats all with that and Some More perks for Donators Gods should have sharp 3 fire aspect 1 and TItans have FIre apect 2 and sharp V w/ golden apple (not enchanted)
Hmmm, no... If the god golden apple would to be implemented, then gods and titans would most likely be unstoppable
I do... but what I am trying to say is that gods and titans are a higher chance at getting this rofls packages, making them unstoppable if they get this god golden apple
I don't support this even though I'm a titan and I rofl a lot this is just unfair for the lower people.
And with the fire aspect part, if a Titan or a god gets there hands on that with the kit, they'll be unstoppable.
The golden apple protects you from every hit, you won't lose a heart with those, No support, and honestly, these ideas will never be accepted, sorry but it's to op.
Way too overpowered. Titans and gods already have overpowered kits, which usually makes all gods and titans impossible to defeat by us defaults. :/ No support.
I don't think we should change the current care packages but i do think that we should change /kit supreme its just /kit elite with a better sword :/