Mineverse is known for having a vast amount of hackers. Especially on OPPVP. And some don't even realise they're fighting a hacker because they don't even know what it IS they're hacking. So here's a guide to all the PVP hacking hacks that people use. If you are not sure about someone hacking, or you don't know many hacks in general; this's the place to be. PVP Anti-Knockback A very used pvp hack. It's when people don't have any Knockback when being hit with and type of object or hand. The easiest way to find one is to use a Knockback stick when voting to be sure. If they're not moving at all; they're hacking. Fast Bow Probably the simplest noticeable hacks. Whereas the title speaks for itself. It's when they're continuously shooting arrows extremely fast at a fast rate. Kill-Aura Quite a popular hack. It's a auto-attacking hack being able to hit out of range at unable speeds and unimaginable angles. Regen It practically makes someone invincible. It acts like a regen 2 potion whereas it heals you when not being hit. One of the best ways to catch someone with this hack is when you hit them a lot and they're not dying. FastEat It has the same principles as fastbow. It allows players to eat food in a matter of milliseconds. This is bad because it gives them a huge advantage when (say for example) someone eats a golden apple in combat. Glide This hack allows the user to extend their falling distance to great lengths, essentially making it a getaway tool for hackers in trouble (Imagine a person using a wing suit). Jesus Aka Water walker. Allows players to walk on water. Videos are not necessary. Bow aimbot BowAimbot - This hack takes advanced calculations into effect, importing the equation the vanilla minecraft gives for Projectiles, and makes it so you lock on to an entity, then aim just the right amount above them to beable to hit them (in Nodus it was silent, so it just kind of did its own thing). AutoSoup This hack is pretty easy to detect as if a moderator /invsee's you it will show your soup being used from your inventory. This hack allows players with soup to become practically unkillable, and is normally combined with Killaura and an Autosword/Autotool to become a killing machine. its quite easy to notice because if you go up and hit someone and they instantly soup, you can assume they are using the hack. Criticals Although quite hard to detect, it's when the user gets critical hits not jumping at all. Reach Can reach and hit you at amazing distances Smart Moving (This hack is not able to use on Mineverse cause we dont have a SPLEEF or Splegg arena) Allows the user to move and won't fall. Ex. At a SPLEEF arena and you try to dig a hole underthem or by them they wont fall in and will ALWAYS find a other way to move. (Not the best hack and not commonly use) Speed Can run at a fast fast speed. Flying :p a simple one. You simply fly. Not glide Shield hack Allows the person to hit at like crazy All around them. Swing there sword at all directions like crazy. so if a diamond guy will want to attack a person with no armor. The person will no armor will win cause the diamond guy wont be able to get close. (Not the best hack and not commonly used) Strength Simple. They have strength forever. Auto Armour When for instance your armour breaks on Oppvp, this will allow for armour to be automatically chosen and placed on their body. This is easy to spot if they're running and their armour breaks but they automatically somehow put on new ones. But people can be hot keying. GeneralNuker An auto-breaker, but at a rapid fire rate. X-ray Renders only ores the hacker wants to see. Mainly used for diamonds. They best way to find them is If they are mining in a straight line ONLY finding ores. NoSwing One of the oldest hacks in the book, this hack simply stops the player animation of Swinging your arm. This can be used in a variety of griefing incidents or trolling incidents where the user would hit the person, but due to a lack of swinging their arm it would cause some confusion for the victim. This can easily be sighted if you simply watch the person, and he doesn't swing his arm while he is breaking a block, or hitting something. Sneak This allows a player to sneak (shift) but walk at a normal pace Spider Aka Spiderman, Spooderman, Anylatter; this hack allows users to climb any surface like it was a vine or ladder, just as spiders do. Chest ESP Same principles as X-ray, but for chest otherwise. It's mostly used in factions and survival. What to do if you see someone hacking. If you ever see someone hacking, don't ever hesitate to repost. Whatever it is, whether your unsure or not, REPORT THEM! Software equipment: http://audacity.sourceforge.net, camstudio.org, fraps.com Or even posts screenshots if necessary. Hacks that've bypassed Nocheat+ Kill aura Step Dolphin Autosoup Nuker Fast Place Criticals Sneak Link to the plugin if you need a no hacks plugin - very useful - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/nocheatplus/ If there's any hacks I forgot please pm me. Credits to: @Ezekiel Zeke @XoXoToXiCGiRl @jedijosiah
Lol for the fast how one I dont think it was a good idea to put a video with a link to download it... Just saying but other wise this is very usfull
Well if anyone wants to download it they can feel free to get themselves banned... you're right though.
Your missing Chest Esp basically it allows players to see ender chests chests and double chests plus chests in minecarts through any block.