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  • NA [USA] SomeGuy|GuyP196's Moderator Application! <3

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by 196, Jul 25, 2014.

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    1. 196

      196 Boss Member

      Nov 29, 2013
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      Moderator Application

      Firstly, an Introduction

      I’d like to start off by giving a big thanks to anyone reading this… Hopefully it’s not just a wall of text that anyone in their right mind would want to steer clear of, but thanks for reading thus far nonetheless. Now, before I get into it, I want to mention a couple things that have influenced me in the past on Mineverse, many of which may have led me to create this application. All shall be touched upon in greater detail further in the application, but firstly: an abundance of hackers, advertisers, and otherwise rule-breakers and a slight scarcity of staff members for such a large and diverse server is never good news. Additionally, experience directly with many of said rule breakers has led me to understand and greatly appreciate the importance of all staff in the community (A tip of the hat to all you guys [I wish I had a hat to tip ;-;]) and has inspired me, in part, to create this application… in essence, not for myself to any meaningful extent—for you people in the wonderful community. Secondly, the forums are a place that, as many of you know, carry a similar abundance of rule-breakers, and enforcement and execution of the rules on the forums is, in large, not as different from the server itself as it may seem. Once more, thanks for reading this. Sticking with it, commenting, and of course, offering constructive criticism means an indescribable amount to me. Thanks <3


      Whew! Sorry if that was long and wall-esque. On to the questions:

      How old are you?
      I am 14 years old.
      I know this has been said before, so I’ll keep it as short as I can, but the position as a staff member, in my humble opinion, has little to do with age – yet, maturity, for the most part; an ability to work under pressure; multitask, and handle difficult situations with ease and a lack of bias no matter the circumstances, is paramount to success here.

      Your in-game name:
      My In-Game Name is GuyP196. (Many of you may know me as my forum name, and I’m looking to change my IGN to something more similar to SomeGuy in 1.8 to avoid confusion)

      What timezone are you in?
      I am in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5:00)

      What country do you live in?
      I live in the United States of America.

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English of course, as well as decent Spanish (going into 5th year of taking it in school) Many may say they can use Google Translate to answer questions of people who speak a different language… personally I don’t support this and will never, if possible, do so myself, due to the unreliable and temperamental nature of Google Translate.
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      [Possible wall of text imminent, apologies :(]
      I had to pull myself away from making an introductory sentence (which of course becomes a paragraph with me writing >.>) to this, so let’s get into it:

      Firstly: A Huge Abundance of Rule Breakers
      This one has been mentioned in my first paragraph, here’s my full two cents on it (full two cents? Does that work? :eek: ;p) Anyway, I’d first like to touch upon hackers—probably the most abundant species of Mineverse’s rule breakers… and amongst the most influential reasons I chose to write this. To be honest, they ruin the game for everyone, and I would treasure an opportunity to remove just one from the server. Secondly: spammers and the like can be just as destructive as any hacker – whether they advertise another server, to ruining someone’s day with a word, no one deserves to experience their actions. In short, as a staff member, any offender or otherwise violator of established rules should rightfully and fairly face consequences for their actions—something I would be happy to assist with.

      Secondly: A Lack of Staff
      Despite recent promotions, and Mineverse’s second-to-none ;) staff team, for such a diverse, busy, and downright large server, work as a staff member encompasses more than certainly need be. Our moderators and administrators do stellar work for the community, but there’s never a lack of something to do for them—more often than not, too much… I would cherish an opportunity to help not only everyone in this community, but, even amongst them, the staff team as well.
      On to a more sectional type of formatting for a bit more information on attributes and such:

      I’d consider myself to be a fairly friendly person. Hopefully it shows in part for you guys who know me on the forums, or who have met me in game. Though it may not seem as such, this is a key trait of staff anywhere.

      Honesty is yet another quality staff must possess. Not only does it tie into, of course, not lying, but an ability to be unbiased in appeals, reports, and general experiences on the server.

      Goes hand in hand with friendly, but I thought I’d put something about it here: despite difficult situations or pressing times, I can remain kind to all.

      I’ve been through some rough and/or very busy times through my experience here on Mineverse with you guys, but I’ll always remain dedicated to the forums, the server, my friends, and most of all: the community.

      I tend to be a responsible person in real life, and it does seem to spill over into my experience here on the forums and server. Trust is hugely important, and I can be trusted to never abuse, make biased decisions, or otherwise break rules or boundaries as a mod or just as a player on the server.

      I mentioned this earlier, but an ability to remain unbiased in the worst of times is key for staff members-many situations where one must make choices, and unbiased ones at that, occur in real life as well as on Mineverse, and I believe I can remain fair throughout my time here.

      Yet another key quality of staff—getting back up after an issue, learning from every mistake… all are important points to the perseverance required in such a field.

      Lastly: Intelligence
      I’m really trying not to sound full of myself or act gloating in any way whatsoever here, but intelligence is a factor that can’t be ignored in any staff member, and is undeniably a large portion of their considerable success.
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      On weekdays, I can usually be on for about 5 to 6 hours each day (4:00 or so to 10:00 EST)
      On Thursdays, more; around 3:00 to 10:00 (though some small gaps between that timeframe)
      Weekends tend to be quite variable, may settle down at the start of the school year though. For now, around 1:00 to 10:00

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I have been playing Mineverse since around April of 2013 or so, a year and a half in October. I’ve also been on the forums quite a while, and though I’m not massively active, *cough*MrParkourGuy*cough* I guess I’m getting to be amongst the older forum members, and thus have experience with its past and workings as well as the server’s. I'm mostly active on Infection, Prison, Survival, Factions, and sometimes Skygrid. Of course, I don't ignore any of the other servers, and I'm working towards being more active everywhere currently.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      My past experience as a moderator could be considered limited to fair at best. I’ve moderated a server with 200 slots, though not usually full, as well as some public yet small servers friends have set up. That being said, I’d like to mention that while past experience may be lacking, I am perpetually enthusiastic to learn, and an opportunity here on Mineverse would allow me to help the community as well as learn from my past mistakes.
      A Quick Thanks, and Acknowledgments:
      Firstly, I want to thank the existing staff team, for their amazing work thus far *cue standing ovation* seriously though, imagine where the server and forums, not to mention community, would be without them. You’re all great, and a thanks not just from me but everyone else who’s ever stopped by.
      Secondly, my friends: I’ll not tag for the sake of alert spam, but you know who you are. I’d really be nowhere of anywhere without your guys’ support through my entire time here.
      Lastly, and just as importantly, the entire community, for just being in general, amazing, and helping us all help each other everywhere. Where would Mineverse be without the wonderful player base we have?


      Thanks all,
      Last edited: Jul 27, 2014
    2. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      You've proven yourself to be incredible throughout everything.
      You're active, you never cease to not be offline for more than a day, your grammar is perfection. I've never seen you speak an unkind word to anyone...

      If you recall, that one time, I went on my friends account...

      I messaged you asking if you were staff and that I needed help.
      You did not ignore me, in fact you responded:
      "I'm not staff, but perhaps I will be able to help you with what you need."
      There was no fake act there, nothing to work for. That was utterly out of your own caring/compassion for other people.

      For that, friend, I give my whole support.
    3. Maddy1145

      Maddy1145 Guest

      Insta support!

      Nobody is more qualified or deserving than Guy, he'd made a great role model and staff member
    4. AmazingFireGirl

      AmazingFireGirl Retired Head-Mod

      Mar 14, 2014
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      well detailed and your mature and would be a great addition
    5. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Support. :D
    6. Ohmic

      Ohmic Legendary Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Guy you are amazing friend, nice to everyone, never ever seen you disrespect anyone. You have my full support :)
    7. 196

      196 Boss Member

      Nov 29, 2013
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      Forgot to say in the app itself (not exactly on topic anyway, but...)

      I want to mention that I can't even say how much your support, and constructive criticism, mean to me. On that note, feel free to speak your mind; I value everyone's opinion, and any ideas you may have. A "change this, this, and this" means just as much to me as a "Support".
      Again, thanks.
    8. Glaadiator

      Glaadiator Boss Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      YEEESSS!!! Not like we've all been waiting for this for months or anything...:wacky:
      You definitely deserve this position. Basically everything that Parkour said. You're an awesome friend and amazingly mature. You deserve this more than anyone. With that, I give you my full support!!

      (p.s. I may or may not be upset because I didn't get the second reply)
    9. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      Damn you guys, I wanted to be first. :(

      Guy deserves this more than anyone, and I know he's gonna get it.

      Good luck, and obviously support.
    10. 196

      196 Boss Member

      Nov 29, 2013
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      Pfft you said "Gimme P4 and god tools" :t:
      But seriously, your support means so much, as does everyone else's. Thanks.

      Thanks, means a lot
      Thank you.
      Thanks nub <3
    11. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      OMG full shapport!
      You're an amazing friend and you're awesome! You always help the comunity, and you're very kind with all the players! I've never seen you disrespecting anyone or anything like that. You would be an amazing mod and I hope you get it! Much sweg.
      I read the start of the app, and then said you know what why read it this guy needs mod leik nao. Luv you <3
    12. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I can't say more than that. You are a great example to Mineverse and as moderator I'm sure you could help out the community even more.
    13. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      Make it happen.
    14. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest


      Can't. Wait. For. This.
    15. 196

      196 Boss Member

      Nov 29, 2013
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      Wat how did you even do that :o
      Thanks though.
    16. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      I just used color codes in chat, then someone threatened to report me.. it was worth it c:
    17. Skydiver

      Skydiver Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2014
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      You really deserve this position.
    18. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      I've heard about a situation, and I don't like it...
      I reconsider my support.

      Sorry, bud.
    19. 196

      196 Boss Member

      Nov 29, 2013
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      Ok, thanks for your opinion though.
      May I ask what it was you're talking about? Perhaps in a PM?
    20. kirbyo32

      kirbyo32 Well-Known Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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