Today I reaches Prestige 7! Someone told me [SomeGuy] that I shouldn't Prestige past 7 I asked why. He told me There is a glitch, a problem. You don't recieve your bow for 8 9 or 10... I was wondering, how long this has been going on? Mrfun told me he doesn't have a bow Could any Staff report it too Crew or Cypriot? This is a recurring problem on Infection, and personally, I think, NOT having a bow, for my last 3 prestiges, won't be fun :/ Or if Crew or Cyp could read this please @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks Thank You.
this has been stated by me already and a few others if they fix it they will have to get a new plug in and we will be all reset and anyways doesnt matter go prestige 10 use the /kit joker this was implemented i think to solve the problem but kit jokers bow has sharp 20
@BioNarix could tell you a bit more about this than I can, she was amongst the first to experience the problem. I just gave sort of the gist of what was going on with it when we spoke in-game, she could provide a little more detail.
It's true that prestiges 8,9, and 10 don't recieve a bow, but it does give you 1 more arrow each time you prestige. Personally, I think it's just like having no prestige at all, which is why you should just stay at prestige 6 or 7. I don't think there is a way to fix it since it's dealing with the plug in. Either it's unfinished or bugging out. The only way you can fix it is by changing the plugin entirely, which could lead to a majority of players being reset (talk to SomeGuy about that issue). I think it's just better to leave it be, instead of risking a majority of players getting reset, since there has already been a ton of people getting sent back to RCT as it is.
i have seen people that are zombies with bow and they do so much hearts but kit joker i have never ever heard of it befor but i think on 8,9 and 10 u get a egg that pisons them when u throw it at them