I am very sorry if I have done this. D: I feel really bad now. I was jst trying to help, I did not know this would bother you in any way. I am truly sorry about this.
Honestly, I don't remember doing this, but I guess I have, and I'm sorry. I understand how annoying this may be, and I agree that people need to stop doing this, including myself. Sorry for any trouble I may have caused.
ok so i read this and ummm... so i say welcome (player) to minevesre when someone joins is this considered "helping" the wrong way?
No, you may chat with and greet people in game however you want. This mostly applies to actions on the forums and even then, primarily things done in our official sections. The general forums is for whatever you wish under the forum guidelines, the support sections are not, however; for those purposes.
For example,if you 1st join the forums to make a ban appeal,and you wouldn't know about,the ban appeal form or how to tag,
People logging on and choosing not to know our rules is not our problem. If they read the sticky threads at the top they would understand. If they don't seem to get it, then mods can chime in and push them in the right direction, even if it takes us a bit of time. If all else fails, shoot them a conversation message.
Aah, thank you Xel! I'll direct people to this thread next time they try to 'lock/archive' a thread... seen that enough!
I don't think I've done this in the past, but if I have let me know, anyways, I'll bump this for those who haven't seen this.
I don't really want this in a sticky, people ignore our stickies. But constantly giving it little b umps is fine by me. ^_^