I cant seem to find any resource pack that I like with good swords. Can anybody recommend some to me please? Named Packs Faithful (And Edits) Sphax FlowsHD CookieRanga Huahwi EnfiCraftx xTh3C0dr4pp3r? CreepyCraft #2 Rectic Stimpy's halestale edit (Graysons' Selection)
I know Huahwi has a pretty good sword texture, but I can't seem to find a non-customized download of it. My friend made a texture pack with pretty good swords, I'll try and find him when I get back home on Saturday. Sorry for not being the most helpful around here.
http://gyazo.com/236a6a89ef2c2e270ec9283c424edced There are some of my packs. They are all for PvP with low fire. I usually go on YouTube and search "PvP Resource Packs" then some come up. You should try that if you're interested.