->Moderator Application<- :OOHi my name Is HyperPigman but you can call me Hyper of short. I am 13 and live in the beautiful country of England......Want some tea old chap... Joking... bad stereotype. I love to surf and swim, both of which allow me to relax. I would like to become a moderator because it would be a challenge which i am prepared to undertake. I believe that mineverse needs more moderators as the ones we already have a are doing a great job but it would make sense to add more to make the server safer and free from assorted villains. Here is the mod application, i hope you like it and take me seriously xD :D How old are you? 13 Your in-game name: HyperPigman What time zone are you in? UTC +00:00 What country do you live in? England What languages do you speak? English/some Spanish and some French Why do you think you should become a mod? For a number of reasons Maturity I believe i am very mature for, especially for my age and i think this is a skill all mods should have. it can be used when dealing with hackers,stopping spam or just sorting things out with players on forum or in game. I rarely get angry on mine verse or in real life and when i occasionally do, i never take it out on other people. Friendly I am a very friendly person both in game and in IRL I am always welcoming to new comers to mineverse and always answer any questions people have about the server, even if it means going to extraordinary lengths find out the answers! Approachable I always try to be an approachable person in game and in real life. I think this is an important skill for a moderator to have, so they can give out help. I also think it's a nice personality trait to have anyway because it makes it easier to speak to people and them to speak to you Fun This point is one i strongly want to make. we all play mine craft for one thing..FUN and i think that all mods should also be fun because thats what Mods are all about, making the server more enjoyable for all. i think thats what makes all the modes in our community so like is that whilst they are serious when needed they are just fun people to be around and that is something i would love to bring to mineverse if i were to become a mod. This is because i love to be fun and love to be around fun and funny people. Accessibility As you may know I live in the UK. And many of the existing moderators live in the USA. This means that when i am on the server lots of my mineverse friends are sadly asleep or otherwise occupied. This however could be a good thing as it could allow me to be maintaining the server whilst other mods aren't on Experience I have experience of being a moderator on a small BF3 server which believe me was hard work. I had to deal with all sorts of stuff like irritating children screaming at me to help them when the couldn't do so much as counts as high as the age rating on the box ( funny one i thought of it myself :p) I would always stay calm and collected on this server which was quite difficult sometimes. Oh and BTW i am an admin on Poke's server as well :rolleyes: Calm I like to stay chilled and relaxed in my life and that is what makes me quite a calm person. I believe staying clam as a mod is vital and is a skill it can take some years to master. Active and Dedicated These two rods are what makes a moderator great. They are always around and happy to help. I am active on this server even though i have only recently discovered these amazing forums ( Derp) I always get on min verse everyday like my life depends on it. (it probably does, i might start getting withdrawal symptoms) Responsible You can trust me never to abuse my powers as a mod and i will use them only for Good and not Evil Kind & Caring & all that lovely stuff I have been told by lots of people on the server and IRL that I am a kind person. This is probably associated with me always trying to be kind and caring to other people even when they maybe don't deserve it. I always listen to people and their own opinions and like to go through and see the suggestions section of the forums and see what people have to say. Organised Im an organised person, i like to keep everything in the right place and never EVER let issues build up until the become hard to control, whether it be school work,Things to do, or even tidying my bedroom(ughh) i like to get it done and out of the way. Helpful I May have mentioned this before in the app but Im a very helpful person, i will always answer questions i know the answers to and will even find out the answers to things i don't know to help others and educate myself even further. There is a first time for everything Even though I have had experience in moderating before, i think that Mineverse moderating would be a chance to experience something new. It would test me and keep me ready for anything. i will always try my hardest to be a good moderator even under extreme circumstances. How long can you be active on the server everyday? As long as I can really but usually it’s about Monday-Friday: 1-3 hours Saturday- Sunday: 3-2 hours How long have you been playing Mineverse? 7 Months. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I was an admin on a small Battlefield 3 server. server. Which was a very stressful time, so I believe it will give me some useful prep for a mod on this server. I hope u take a look at this application and consider my points. If you would like to show your support please comment down below as it is so helpful and nice to see and if you have any questions, i would be happy to answer please put them in the same place Hyper Supporters; @MiningCreeper454 [MOD] @Skydiver27 [MOD] @Kubasliz @jadey64 [MOD] @blossumwarrior @HipsterChick @Conor Walton @PinkStr3ak @Jibonbdcraft @Taryn: ItsTweety @Taryn -=Tweety=- @Bob Sheepert @kirbyo32 [MOD] @ojje_123 @MiningCreeper454 [MOD] Again @xxxvan If you would like to show your support of my app then please comment below and leave a like rating and i will add you to the list :D
I will always support, as you've helped me dearly in the past and are so kind to me. <3 To up your chances of others supporting, perhaps a little more detail on why you should be Mod, and perhaps get to know the forums a little better?
Guys I have added more detail and changed the layout of my App so please check back on it to see if you want to add some support you may have not given the unedited version :P
No Support. You were advertising on prison which shows to me that you have no paitence at all. I have been waiting for more than a year now and I havent been picked. You need to wait :eh
I know i said sorry for the advertising. I was only doing it as this app has been up here fro a while now and basically nobody has looked at it apart from a couple of people. I think now is a good time for me to work on my patience