So, in this thread I am going to show you what I look for in Mod Apps. I'm free to any suggestions for this thread, so if you have any feel free to private message me them. Hope you enjoy! I always look for creativity, as you have to be creative for some of the tasks as a Mod. It seems like a useless trait, but you can use it for punishments, variations, etc. I look for colorfulness, and alignment use. It doesn't seem important, but I usually take this into consideration about their creativity or if they are lazy to use the things provided to them. I look for how long they have played the server. If you are determined for moderator, get to know the community and get involved. It's not hard to do that. :p I look for devotion for the position, and how they would use it. I want to know that they want this position to help, not for the permissions and power. I look into their history of punishments, such as bans, mutes, tempbans, and infractions. I look for their ways of communication with other staff. Whether it is Teamspeak or Skype, we need someway to contact you other than the forums or in-game. The staff that lack this aren't got up with what's going on this the server, or what's going on with other staff. We look for how well you are liked, or how much you get yourself involved with events. This is important for the staff to keep up with the players at all times. I look for how long you can be online, or what timezone you are in. We have tons of staff from Australia and the USA. We are looking for a variety of timezones and locations so the rest of us can get on with our lives. I also look into how others interact with you, and how you interact with others. You can tell a lot about the person on how someone else talks to them. I want staff that aren't scared of making mistakes. All of the staff made them, and we still do. I want a staff member that can take the heat of situations, or if they can take hate. All of the staff get put in these situations. If you want to be staff but want to be the most liked person here; this isn't the position for you. I also look on how long the app is. It doesn't have to be so long that it takes an hour to read it. I just want you guys to put effort in this. That's all. :> Here are some examples of some nice Mod Apps I think may help you guys:☜-ˆ▽ˆ.13423/ Guard Apps: My Mod App: I hope you guys enjoyed this little tips thread! Thank you guys for reading and considering! Much love. <3
Thanks for this, it really helped. I love looking through Moderators applications, and seeing how much they have changed from a normal player to a mod. ScoFu was funny...he was like "I have permissions on all posts?!" Then he figured he was mod. You can see how much he has changed since the day that mod app got accepted.
Dude just wait they could accept it or Not accept it. It depends on how you act and your mod app. And anyways its not like they look through all of the mod apps in one day. Not all there life is about Minecraft and all this coding and stuff what I cant do.. If only if only... *cri* B patient.. The time will come...... ._. *This is the part when you stare into my eyes while I slowly walk into the fog well looking very close at you with my mysterious eyes of darkness* <3
Not to sound mean...he's not funny....its more strict and likes to enforce the rules..that's what makes him a Good Mod. He never jokes around. He does his job and nothing else