Yeah Im just the messenger Ill hide it for yeah.. language. But I thought youll guys would like to know this. I seriously lol'ed just letting you know camel has found a way to go on the server once again. (I honestly don't agree with him just saying..) Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
Me and Cypriot have already discussed of this. I banned you for that exact reason , for owning hacked items. I never gave you hacked items and posting pictures of every hacked items you had wouldn't prove that I gave it to you. I will always treat people equally just as I banned you and TheSteeFlame. All the hacked items ( 18 Boots , Head , Leggings) were put in an alt and were stolen by someone else who knew the account information , you know that for a fact Camel. Also , let us discuss on how I 'started' something with you. You asked me to unban you , releasing you off the punishment which KatoKillsMyGPA have set upon you , I refused this because I cannot do that as it will ruin my integrity with the staffs. Therefore you kept begging and I had enough , I blocked you off Skype. Moments later I received a threat from you. Then , you messaged this to one of our members. I will no longer make any post about this as me and Cypriot have discussed of it and it will only cause more and more endless and pointless arguments.
1.You know ur real visa # that i am not saying what it really is 2.This is not aboout kato's punishment i was banned for saying and ive ben banned until yesterday when i unbanned my self 3.Idid that because u wouldn't unbanned my account for some one else thats f**ked up 4.You know that u did give me hacked gear and i have alot of ppl knowing that and you know it to
Holy kid off i dont give a if ui can hack everyone knows i can hack noobcrew knows i can hack i have been banned by all of the mods once i can hack not ing get offline ur pissing me off because u have nothing to do with this but yet u keep talking this is between m and rakion