hey ive been playing factions for a long time and got into bases by raiding but i cant do/f claim and im a co-owner of a faction it keeps saying i only can claim a land connected to my faction i tried doing /f enemy [name of fac] and we became enemys but i still cant do /f claim it keeps saying the same thing any mods can help?
u, try askin one of dem pros like buntobaga or ichidna, I havent played for a while so i dont remember
really?but i got 7+ power and i think so becuase if i do/f unclaim it say he is strong enought to keep it can u tell me how much at least do i need?
You may only claim land that is connect to your first claim if you have claimed somewhere else just simply do /f unclaim all.
He already has enough power to claim land the factions power that you are trying to raid must have lower power then they're land for you to claim also you must not have claimed land anywhere else.
The new factions isn't like the old one, sadly. /f enemy doesn't do anything really helpful, in my experiance. As others have said, have one person stay at your /f home base, then do /f unclaim all. When you are at the faction you are raiding, claim somewhere around it, and if you have enough power you can over claim it and then raid them. Hope I helped!