Hey, Yes, Im HEAL_Pony, and I got a New Account Today, and I named him HEAVEN_Pony, and Im just wondering can I get my 2nd account elite, without having to pay again? Its More of An Admin Question, So, If NoobCrew Can Answer This Or The Co-owner (forgot his name) Will check this, This would be great, and Hopefully You can get my other account Elite, without having to pay again. Thanks! If You Need Proof, I Got Proof! Here is The Proof! The Card For My 2nd Account: Proof It Exists And That Im The Owner Of HEAVEN_Pony: More Proof: http://mcskinsearch.com/skin/HEAVEN_Pony If You Want More Proof, Ask Me, and I Will Show More Proof!
That's impossible....i think. If you get ban one account té other has to be banned as well....it is stated in The rules..... Its nice you got a alt! But i dont think yu can get a next FREE elite.....sorry man @Noobcrew.
If he/she is banned on another account, The new account will be banned also, This is called ban evading and it's against the rules. Ingame name of this person incase pf he/she editing it out HEAVEN_pony
If he bought this account because his previous account was banned, yes, this is ban evading and the alt will get banned as well. Maybe he can help. @CypriotMerks
No Im Not Banned. Actually, instead of free elite, I might think about moving my elite from HEAL_Pony to HEAVEN_Pony. No, switching theelito HEAVN_Pon wouldn't be considered ban evading either (I don't think It would be)
Why would you wanna do that you already used Heal_pony and now you would like to restart all over again
kinda, but I just want to put the elite to heaven_pony and then heal_pony will have no rank, then I will have to start the same conversation telling that I need my rank to my new acc, Heaven, and then after that's done, I can give my acc to my brother.
and it will take a while for me to fix my shop so heaven can run it and heal cant, and stuff like that and ill have more claim land (I think)
If you were to get a new account that you want a rank on it then you would need to buy the rank again on that account
this I confusing a little bit, ill see if I can contact noobcrew and get this sorted out. I rly need to talk to him.
ill try my best to contact him on here, sooner or later he will be able to talk to me, and telling me if it is possible or not.
In plus i dont think changing a rank to another account is possible knowing how many threads ive seen about this.