ikr Beef is so AWESOME he is such a good person AWESOME at his job and REALLY friendly we love u beef <333
I like all, but my favorites are: Glaadiator MrBeefCak3 ScoFu13 MrParkourGuy Pile_of_Butts Who doesn't love them all? Edit: @Firo3000 @Chezby
Favorites: MrBeefCak3 mineterria Pile_of_Butts BlueberryWaffle7 I do like every single mod, they're cool :p
I like every mod they do there job good thats how there mod but i think my fav is @MrParkourGuy his an awesome role model to me
@Pile_of_Butts @MrParkourGuy @Grayson AKA MrBeefCake @Firo3000 @ScoFu13 @rachetclanks @ALL-THE-OTHERS-BUT-I-CANT-REMEMBER-SO-SORRY!
Every Staff does a Brilliant job, there's no reason to make favorites. They all are the best! <3 Keep up the good work Staff Team.