Today I just upgraded to Elite, and I didn't get to use color codes or the command /kittycannon. Cab You Please Fix This? Without the Color Codes, This Upgrade Isnt Worth It. I Would Like a Refund If I Don't Get Color Codes.
Prince_planet_2 has a sililar problem...what he is doing is he is emailing [email protected] If you want you can try that too!
Elite rank has had those problems since some time ago you could send a email to [email protected] so that noobcrew modify the perms.
Elite doesn't get those commands, I know that for Elite, you don't get colour codes, and you don't get ./kitty cannon, only MVP, God and I think Titan only get colour codes, but for ./kitty cannon I think only VIP, MVP get it, not to sure on the kitty cannon though.
I didn't know you mentioned me here, lucky I saw. When using my name please use @ before it so I know I was mentioned. Thanks! But yeah, I found heaps of things that they said MVP would get, but didn't, so I requested we get what we payed for and if not, I want a fair solution, Can was right, I sent an email to support about this, I recommend you do too, so then they might act on the problem as heaps of people have it.
I'm god and I get kitty cannon I always get kitty cannon I went through every rank and had those commands O.o
Well Im MVP and you get color codes and /kittycannon and you get that in Elite aswel the difference between Elite and MVP is with ELITE you get /heal and different kits
go to the mineverse shop online and find out what you get maybe you can talk in colors on like faction and you can talk in color on Op PvP
jadey why would they add it to VIP and MVP but not upgrade to Elite? and in sponsor you get color codes....
Some servers glitch out with the donor perms. I know I had done issues on certain game modes before I was staff and was a donor. They will be eventually fixed if they haven't by now.
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