Mineverse Updates — July 12th, 2022 Survival bug fixes: Fixed crop hoppers to work within the entirety of a chunk. Added deepslate & deepslate ores to McMMo leveling. Let us know about any other blocks that should apply to McMMo but currently do not. Fixed some shop prices. Please continue to report any issues you find with this. Fixed multiple quests issues to reward properly. Report any other quest issues here. Spoiler As of right now I still don't know why axolotl buckets won't work, I'm sorry EDIT: Crew also added an undisguise command so you no longer have to disconnect to remove your disguise. I haven't restarted the server as I've just gone in and fixed these now. These fixes will be applied upon the next server reset. Thank you to those who've taken the time to report any bugs they've found. This makes it a lot easier to keep track of things that need to be fixed. I will be continuing to go through any bug/exploit reports for Survival & Earth and fixing them this week. Please report any here. Thanks ~
I believe I found the solution to your axolotl issue. It seems players aren't smelting their axolotls first as required.