remove every mod and add new 1s because these cannot figure out what cheats are and it's right in front of them. from the recent reports i've seen these mods are a bit slow in the brain hehe
I mean you could always record cheaters yourself and report them. You can even mention certain mods to handle it, mods who you think have an expert knowledge on cheating.
i agree but u know they could also just not be blind it doesn't even seem like the players r closetting it's just blatant reach
I agree. I'm not on a lot recently as I'm on break but whenever I log on I constantly get encounters with blatant cheaters. You could argue why don't I just ban them but if I ban the amount of closet cheaters I come across I would just look salty and abusing my power. But yeah there's a lot of cheaters recently and we definitely need to do a better job of identifying hacker's and cheats.