So.. Here I am writing this and here you are reading this. I've been thinking about leaving this server because of the hate, dossing matters and the hackers. It has been a big long day for me to think about this. I'm not 100% about this yet but yeah I'll probably leave, hopefully I wont but if I have to then goodbye guys/mineverse Ill miss you @iZaphii @madisonjr @Grayson @Pile_of_Butts @Oniontacobean @Littlebigziberna @XOXO @EliVdd @jadey64 @Fluxninja @mineterria @Skydiver27 All the people I have tagged I will miss playing with, sorry if I forgot you!
Well I'm not on the list of "People I miss playing with" but Bye Magic :( I remember playing on Skyblock and seeing your messages A LOT :p We'll miss you though
Sorry for forgetting you man I just haven't been great and I forgot most people, sorry <3 and Eli I might have to :(