Ok, so I was wondering how ranking up works. I'm still a new member and I was wondering how I get to ranks like "Active Member" and "Well-Known Member" I don't really understand the rank up things so can somebody please explain if it is on likes or posts or what its on. AgentOrange110~~~
I only know how to rank up to 'Well-Known' and that's when: You get 250 likes. +OR+ You post 1,000 messages with 100 likes. AKA: 63 trophy points. EDIT: Forget about this, Chezby wins xD
New Member - Default Member- 8 trophy points - 30 messages and 1 like. Active member- 28 trophy points - 25 likes and 100 messages. Well Known Member- 63 trophy points - 250 likes or 100 likes with having 1000 messages. That's all them.
You get the points as you finish challenges such as I LOVE IT: Get 500 likes. Just keep using the forums and you will be to active in no time.
See that? Click the number it should show a message saying all trophies awarded to (name) Then you click on all available trophies and it would show you a list of points and how to earn them