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  • ASIA SM0GX Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by SmogX, Mar 12, 2021.

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    1. SmogX

      SmogX Legendary Youtuber Premium

      Jun 20, 2019
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      Hi everyone, my IGN is SM0GX as you probably already know. I'm from Canada so my Timezone is EST. I speak mainly French because I'm from Quebec, one of the provinces of Canada and it's the only one where we speak french in Canada. I also speak fluently English, we learn English in school but I learned the most by playing Minecraft and talking with people. I'm doing my best to make my writing and spelling better but I can totally understand everything and respond easily. As a lot of you guys know, I'm a YouTuber for Mineverse server and I definitely got the necessary to record and screenshots some evidence. I use OBS for my recording and for the screenshots I use the Capture windows tool and Imgur. I decided to re-apply as a Moderator because, after more than 5 years of playing Mineverse and thinking for weeks if I should try my chance again, I want to be more than a simple player and help the mineverse community the most as I can like I always wanted to. ddd

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I think I have chances to become a mod because I'm a really friendly person, I meet all the requirements, I'm active, I got good qualities, a lot of experience!​
      I'm respecting all the rules of mineverse server. I know I had a bad past but like I always said, I changed a lot and I'm way more mature than before. I love to have the opinion of others for my youtube video's for example and that's why I'm re-applying. I know that some people don't like me or maybe don't think I have the profile to get moderator but I want to do what I really want inside of me. Mineverse is the server that made me discover Minecraft, it was my first Minecraft server and I learned a lot on this server. I know pretty much how everything works. As I said above, I'm a really friendly person and I always asked some staff some tips and tricks to be Moderator because since I started Mineverse, I always thought that being Moderator on mineverse was something serious not like some other servers and it was a real challenge for me to get at this stade. I'm familiar with everything in Minecraft and Staff commands. I'm 100% sure I can bring something really special and dynamic to mineverse staff team and community as a moderator and as you guys told me to be more active on forum and discord in my last application, that's what I did and reported a lot of people and did my best to be active everywhere like at school and outside of my house. I'm learning Computer Science so i have access to a computer full time every day. I got discord and MineChat on my phone also. I love to discuss with people at school time on the forum and discord also!
      Qualities & About me: I'm actually working at McDonald's for now more than 2 years and that growth my maturity and my autonomous a lot. I'm really punctual and respectful, I'm never late and I'm not the kind of person who likes to make beef or trash talk people for fun. I'm not the kind of person who let himself getting bullied but I will never get disrespectful on nobody in-game as in real life. I love to make jokes about anything I love memes and things like that and I also love RAP like Pop Smoke and Lil peep, they are my two favorite rappers. My name is Nicolas, I'm 18 i live in the State of Quebec near of Montreal in Canada. I got 2 twin sisters and 1 brother and I love to do Ski, skate and play hockey. I love winter and my favorite food is sushis :p

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      Now that I have access to a computer full-time every day. I can easily be online the server maybe 4-8 hours a day and I'm checking forum and discord every hour at pauses, every day. That's approximately 30-40 hours a week for being active everywhere!

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      I started Mineverse in 2013-2014 when I got my first computer and my first Minecraft account because my friend showed me this server because he was playing it mainly, I started playing Minecraft by doing PvP ( Kitpvp 1 and 2 and Op PVP) so the combat has always been my favorite thing to do on Minecraft and that's why I have a good level. I have a lot of ranked accounts because one of my main goals on mineverse is to get the most ranked accounts on the server by trading IN game stuff that I get from playing to people who prefer to pay.

      What punishments have you received in the last 9 months?

      I got banned for a macro I was using for other servers' purposes 8 Months ago that I auto leaked my-self in a video. Of course, I always got my Auto-Text disabled now.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      I got moderator 3 times in my life and there they are :
      Icarya : Icarya is a Popular Magic Faction ( French) where I was a moderator on it for 1 or 2 months and I left because the server started to be dead after the school same back the last year and there was nothing to moderate on it. My role was to help people with their questions and to look at the warzone and players' request to help them and we had 1 reunion each month to talk about how everything was going and news. I had a lot of fun and I learned a lot about it.
      kFaction : kFaction was also a popular Faction server ( French ) where I got Moderator for 2 weeks at the start of the server and I got kicked because I was not giving enough chances and warning to people and I was punishing them instantly so they kicked me for that I learned to not be too strict with people and to let them chances because everyone makes errors in life.
      I also got Translator on Faithful 2 or 3 years ago for more than 3 months and I left because I wasn't able to go on TeamSpeak anymore because my computer broked but now I also have TeamSpeak on my cellphone because I bought it and I also got Discord on it and I'm really active on discord so I would love to help others on it.
      Cathedral : Cathedral was an HCF server where I became Senior Mod for being staff on it for 2 months, I left the staff team because the owner was doing fake prizes and giveaways. He was also botting his server and I was not comfortable to moderate for bots.

      Finally, I do meet all the mineverse requirements to become a staff. I got almost 200 posts on the forum and i got the 2 Factor Authentication set up for almost 1 year now. I registered forum in 2019 because I had to change my forum account because I lost the password of the other one. I got every communication application on my phone and on my computer also like Skype, Discord, Telegram, TeamSpeak and my discord tag is Smg#0001. You can also find me in the Mineverse discord.
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2021
    2. SmogX

      SmogX Legendary Youtuber Premium

      Jun 20, 2019
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      WOW, this is so nice thank you so much i could say the same thing for you brother
    3. Ajay Kingzz

      Ajay Kingzz Established Member

      Aug 30, 2020
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      Support Smog is a very mature being and will do anything out his way to help others as i have first hand experiences Example My Pc was being annoying and was breaking down and he helped me fix it within minutes also he will help me in kit/op and is overall a fit person for mod
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
    4. SmogX

      SmogX Legendary Youtuber Premium

      Jun 20, 2019
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      Thank you buddy it was a honor to fix your computer :)
    5. AnthonyLEEEEEE

      AnthonyLEEEEEE Established Member

      Feb 2, 2021
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      support, he actually knows what"s legit and what's not legit in PVP.
    6. SmogX

      SmogX Legendary Youtuber Premium

      Jun 20, 2019
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      It's true that im pretty good to find if someone is legit or not thank you bro
    7. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      + You’re really active on the server

      + You make frequent reports

      + You’re also active on discord when it comes to alerting staff on things happening in game

      + You’re kind, genuine, mature and very respectful

      + I admire the way you deal with haters and the shade they throw at you, when I first got YouTuber and then Mod everyone was hating on me but I just ignored them, I relate to you for the amount of hate you get, my advice is to keep grinding and growing to where you want to be, no ones opinion of you should change your destination.

      + I know this doesn’t really matter as much but you also have very good quality videos and really put Mineverse out there to your French/Canadian viewer base.

      I wish you the best of luck Smog, you really deserve this position. I want to say also to get Mod, you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be yourself and that’s what really matters in my opinion. :)
    8. SmogX

      SmogX Legendary Youtuber Premium

      Jun 20, 2019
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      Oh my god, thank you so much for all the support avec efforts that you pitted in your reply that really hurts my feelings ! As we always did, it’s so cool to support each other’s as the only 2 youtuber of mineverse. Love you Rent❤️

      Edit : Sorry for the “double posting” It was not on that purpose I wanted to show how frequen I look my forum actuality's. I won’t anymore
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2021
    9. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      salut smog!

      comme ma réponse à votre dernière candidature, je voudrais vous répondre en français pour vous féliciter d'avoir pu rédiger cette candidature dans une autre langue. à mon avis, vous êtes très actif pour signaler les joueurs et suggérer de nouvelles idées pour le serveur. je pense que vous vous souciez beaucoup de mineverse, et vous avez dit que vous aimeriez être plus impliqué dans la communauté.

      ma seule critique est que peu importe le nombre de comptes que vous avez dans Minecraft - c'est la façon dont vous vous présentez à la communauté, sans toxicité. c'est aussi génial que vous ayez une expérience youtube mais youtuber et modérateur sont des choses très différentes, alors rappelez-vous que :P

      désolé encore pour mon mauvais français :D

      support, bonne chance !
    10. SmogX

      SmogX Legendary Youtuber Premium

      Jun 20, 2019
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      Merci beaucoup Sabrina j'apprécie vraiment ce que vous avez dite sur moi et je resterais toujours la même personne sur chacun de mes comptes. Je vais modifier la candidature pour eviter de faire des confusions !
    11. Ref

      Ref Active Member

      Mar 1, 2021
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      - Active on all of the platforms (discord, ingame, forums)

      - Mature, and a nice guy

      I personally think he deserves it, he would be a great addition to the staff team.
    12. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      no support sorry, I don't feel that you're ready for the position yet. (to add, 'reapplication' isnt the word to really use in your title - its normally for those who've already been staff before).
    13. SmogX

      SmogX Legendary Youtuber Premium

      Jun 20, 2019
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      Thank you !
      Hi porky, what does make you think im not ready for this position. I would like to know to improve myself and i will change the title.
    14. IceTheDonut

      IceTheDonut Active Member

      Dec 22, 2020
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      I support you smog, although we may have beef in game I think your a very chill and nice person (when I’m in a call with you). I think you would be a great mod.
    15. SmogX

      SmogX Legendary Youtuber Premium

      Jun 20, 2019
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      Thank you so much ChatPolice <3
      Hey Ice, Thank you so much i also love to be in call with you !
    16. SWONKED

      SWONKED Established Member

      Mar 5, 2021
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      support cool man
    17. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      Support! Good luck : )
    18. caydah

      caydah Active Member

      May 1, 2020
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      Support. I've been friends with smog for a bit now, and i can say that this role would fit him. ly smog
    19. SmogX

      SmogX Legendary Youtuber Premium

      Jun 20, 2019
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      Thank you so much boys <3
    20. isak2002kasi

      isak2002kasi Active Member

      Apr 29, 2020
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      No support from me. He is toxic and teams with hackers, macrohealers
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