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  • Survival A Serious Suggested Additions Thread

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by iEco, Jan 22, 2021.

    1. iEco

      iEco Experienced Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      As somebody who's been playing Survival on Mineverse since about 2013, I feel like I come from a good place when I say survival is currently genuine garbage in more than a few ways. I'm not one to waste time so I'll list out my suggestions, provide my reasoning and hope the staff and community makes the decisions on my suggestions to the best they can.​
      1) Monopolization of Nether-Items, and Nether Reset
      The name says it all. Since mobs were disabled in the nether due to what I believe was a fair amount of glitching, mob lag, etc the people who managed to obtain rare items like wither skulls, nether stars and more have more or less been given monopoly over these items due to the fact they are no longer able to be obtained.

      I suggest we completely reset the Nether, enable limited mob spawning and cut the spawn rate of mobs in half, as well as make the drop rate of Wither Skulls slightly lower to make the game more grind-intensive. This would allow people to acquire the items few players currently have, but require a good amount of work for it.

      2) Fix the Economy
      Our economy in Survival is currently one of the worst I've seen in a while, which is mostly due to the staff who control the shop and quest prices not understanding just how easy making money is. Earning money in survival as a starter player is incredibly difficult, especially due to the fact the sell prices in /shop are on average 1/3 of the buy price. This makes newer players who, on other servers, would profit off selling items from their farm or mining excursions unable to do so. A good example of this is the farming section, where nine stacks of carrots sell for a mere $80 but cost $14,000 to buy.

      Another suggestion on fixing the economy I have is to buff it. Currently, we have almost no middle class of players. We have those who have millions of dollars and those still stuck at having a few thousand. I think a good way to fix this is to make Quests (which typically reward you around $500) reward you slightly more, with a base payout of $1,500 and a max payout of $5,000. This would make new players have a much easier time making money, and bring the middle class back to Survival.

      3) User-Side Chat Filter
      I think I speak for everyone when I say that the majority of people on Survival are mature enough to curse every now and then. I suggest we add a user-side chat filter that is enabled on login and must be manually turned off. People who disable the filter would be able to curse in chat openly (with the exception of slurs, racial profanities, etc) and those with the filter off would also be able to see it.

      Those with the filter still enabled would see the words censored, providing everybody the experience fit to their age group. The only reason I suggest this is due to the fact that most people bypass the filter anyways, and everybody no matter their age can see it. This way, younger audiences wouldn't be exposed to profanities while the older audience wouldn't feel the need to bypass the filter at all.

      4) More Quests, Bosses and Dimensions
      We all know Survival gets boring. I suggest we add new quests (especially due to the fact some of them are near-impossible or extremely expensive) in order to not make the quest cycle monotonous anymore. I also suggest we add new bosses instead of Danill alone which we could do by randomizing Boss Tokens in the quest shop.

      As well as that I recommend new dimensions. Many survival servers have this and I suggest they be restricted in a level format like you would see in OP-Prison type gamemodes. We could have numerous dimensions (each with their own boss) and in order to move on to the next dimension, you would need to defeat the boss of the previous one. This might be difficult to add but I believe it would add a lot less Vanilla Monotony to the Survival Server.

      5) Mod Inactivity, Bias, Etc
      Survival, a non-pvp based gamemode, is definitely popular among those who enjoy chilling but not so much among the pvp-lovers. Many mods tend to stick to pvp-based gamemodes, either due to the fact they enjoy hanging there or solely because that's where the majority of cheaters and rule-breakers reside.

      However, when mods apply they promise to be active on each gamemode, which is why many who apply are turned away. Aside from the mods Sheshy and Sa_Sa_Sabrina, I almost never see mods on survival.
      As well as that I believe bias in mods is incredibly obvious, with many mods not used to playing survival threatening players who perform legal acts.

      I feel like this just needs to be addressed, so not much of a suggestion but more of a callout towards mods who don't play and a thank you to those that do.

      6) More NPCs, Shop Items, Etc
      I feel like due to the Nether being mob-less and the End being completely looted only a day after Survival started, we need more items in shop that we aren't able to obtain. Examples I think appropriate to be in shop would range from beacons, transportation items, custom items, enchantment books and quest points.

      Many of these items are super unattainable unless you go to somebody who already has them (such as enchantment books or beacons), which allows them to monopolize the items ingame. I think adding these items to shop would even out the playing field and make the game accessible and fun for everyone.

      7) Custom Enchants
      I know the Developers are human too, however I think something cool to add to Survival would be custom enchants. These could be attainable via an NPC for quest points and cash, and the NPC could even have a cycle of daily quests you could complete for it to attain a book of your choosing. I think in the long run this would make survival more fun and allow each player to have a unique loadout that fits their playstyle.

      These enchantments could have pros and cons, with an example listed below to show you what I mean

      Speed Enchantment
      Gives the player speed effect when applied to armor | Lowers armor and player health by 50%

      Overall, I think Survival needs a lot of updating. One of the largest problems with this server is the fact that it caters towards the players who have been playing a long time, when it should cater towards those that are new to the server.

      People who have played a long time are sure to come back, however keeping new players is a more difficult task. Thanks for reading & feel free to comment your opinion on said suggestions as well as add suggestions in the thread.

    2. m05rx7

      m05rx7 Established Member

      Aug 24, 2020
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      ye I support this init, number 5 is easy fix j make @Dropevelaa mod
    3. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      support but dont hold your breath for any of these changes to be made
    4. iEco

      iEco Experienced Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      I agree ;/

      I really think staff underestimate how many people play survival and really only focus on moderating / updating pvp gamemodes.

      If they had fixed their own server's issues and addressed the grievances of Mineverse instead of merging with Minetime I feel like they could have gotten a whole lot more players back. Why merge with a dead server if it's not only going to drag you down with it but you also haven't even fixed your own server yet?
    5. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      I don't really play Survival but I do understand most of these suggestions. Like the new Quests/Bosses one for example. Survival has been out for quite some time now and it's still crazy active (even if it's just people afking). I feel like maybe a refresh of new Bosses/Quests weekly? Like ones that haven't been done before so people can engage in on excitement for these new challenges and begin to enjoy Survival again.

      Custom enchants would be pretty cool in my opinion. I think Skyblock has commands where you can enchant your tools to all sorts of enchantments and levels, it's crazy. I feel like Survival maybe could have something along the same lines but not too overpowered because that would defeat the purpose of 'Survival'.

      I support this thread in regards it makes Survival a better place and more enjoyable experience.
    6. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      it's not that I wouldn't be happy to do a lot of these things, the problem lies in other aspects though. As you most should know kinsey was the lead of this game mode and now that he has been gone for a long while, it's harder to get changes approved and put on the server as easy. I've definitely reworked a few quests and added new ones but it's hard to get that on there.
    7. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      Unfortunately, the economy will never truly work, because it's a command economy. It's weird how the problems you bring up so accurately mimic the struggles nations like the Soviet Union have gone through in their efforts to control the economy. We need capitalism, not a centrally planned economy where information isn't readily available or used correctly.
    8. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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      Same old Mineverse. LOL
    9. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      Rise against price-fixing! Let the free market have its way with us. Only then shall we be free from a ravishing, undemocratic higher power.
    10. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      Given Kinsey's current absence, shouldn't the responsibility of maintaining and continuously developing Survival be moved to a different person or team? Kinsey can continue to be involved, but the responsibilities can be shared.

      It's (probably) Janice or Noobcrew's decision to make. I'm just presenting the idea, as it's a shame nothing is really 'happening'.
    11. Pillow

      Pillow Experienced Member

      Nov 12, 2019
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      Only really support 6, 3 and 1 but the other ones aren't bad I suppose.
    12. Drop

      Drop Experienced Member

      May 31, 2016
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      Hello dear eco, I support this thread 100% Survival has been one of the gamemodes that are very active on mineverse, im pretty sure they will think on doing some of this suggestions to make the game more enjoyable for players. thanks for the suggestions bro, keep going.!
    13. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Well that's not up to me ;( and even if I suggested I don't know if it'd happen. There's lots of plans going on so as you could expect those two are pretty busy. The only person I could see taking over the position he had is sando possibly but even then I don't know if he'd want to.
    14. TAT

      TAT Active Member

      Dec 9, 2019
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      im 100% full support with this survival need new updates
    15. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      I'm quite sad I thought we would be having a spirited debate over economic models :(
    16. Drop

      Drop Experienced Member

      May 31, 2016
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      Thank you for caring swift <3
    17. jessdum

      jessdum Active Member

      Apr 24, 2019
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      u make good points. i support
    18. Rasmus

      Rasmus Active Member Premium

      Oct 26, 2019
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    19. Drop

      Drop Experienced Member

      May 31, 2016
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    20. GBGBGB13

      GBGBGB13 Active Member

      Jan 15, 2015
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      Definite support, need a better economy

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