How do I get this trophy? My account is linked to the Forums from some time and I haven’t gotten it, I re linked it and still haven’t received it.
I could be wrong about this, but before Friends v3 was implemented, there was a way to associate your Minecraft account with your Forums. However, it was removed as it became useless when we had /friends link. It may still be a trophy because of the fact that they'd have to remove the trophy points from players who already achieved it prior to the Friends update. I'm not 100% sure on this though, so feel free to correct me.
I'm pretty sure this is the account association that was added in 2018 Although at this given time there was no actual trophy for it until it came on June 22nd, 2019 I have absolutely no idea what happened to this feature though, I looked around on my profile settings to see if I could find any Minecraft Association button but it seems to have disappeared, therefore making it impossible to get the trophy again. In other words, I'm pretty sure we can't do anything unless the feature gets readded.