1 - Aciding. i havent seen him in weeks how am i supposed to 1v1 him 2 - Roseri. he wont stop hackusating me 3 - Capitane_Morgan. 1-0 on lunar and he openly uses vape on mv 4 - AyoSus. not even a challenge 5 - Zick. he doesnt pvp any more so i havent fought him 6 - RentPvP. i only beat him by small amounts 7 - ecuddles. are you for real? 8 - Ceiqu. after fighting for 5 minutes he got a single 3 hit combo 9 - Hurren. he only comes online to talk to egirls 10 - K0rdic. hes admitted to autoclicking and i still toss him - plurz best mv.
Suzii said: "I know a lot of the staff team think I enjoy going on alts but that's simply not true. I never have and never will go cheat on alts. That's simply not how I enjoy the game." But you hacked on an alt 5 days before you said this.
@Manu you drilled me but you lost the first match on lunar its 1-1 just get over it you hackusate me regularly ur a morgan v2 now shut up jesus i dont even play mc seriously and you act like gong 1-1 is such an accomplishment if you drop to me consider it an L because im not even as half as good as the average player @Swonkypoo3Hacks Im not even a challenge yet you ran from me on Specualtionz after like 30 seconds of me fighting you and its because of my "ping" I am a casual player and i swear you all mention me in everything stop with putting me in lists and most of you die to me on a daily basis on my alts its mv pvp also try not to get banned on lunar for "30 cps" again my guy pce.
I'm pretty sure everyone knows you cheat and you have been banned for it on lunar. 1v1 me when ur legit swonkypoo.