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  • We need to change as a community...

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by rent, Sep 17, 2020.

    1. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Hello fellas, so I've been thinking recently about why Mineverse has been so toxic lately. I've seen it all from Death Threats, SWAT Threats, Dox Threats, Bullying, Racism, Sexism and everything else. I just can't help but think how simple and calm Mineverse was back in 2013 or anytime before 2015. There's so many reasons the community right now isn't quite where it should be whether it's cheaters, toxic people, it doesn't matter.

      Obviously trash talking for example cannot be helped, it's in one's nature who plays video games, but it's when it gets taken way too far; bringing IRL situations/complications into a light-hearted trash talk or debates in game is just pathetic and uncalled for and I see it a lot. I've seen people judge others for their looks, their background, whether they're rich or poor, their families and everything else that falls under IRL stuff. It's literally Minecraft, this used to be a kid friendly game but now it's just ruined by all those self centred individuals who like to bring people down for their own entertainment.

      All people do nowadays is either be toxic or slam the staff team for countless reasons and I'm not just saying this because of my position as staff, I've been wanting to say this since I came back to Mineverse. Now obviously I'm not expecting Mineverse to ever be toxic free, but a bit more family friendly and welcoming as it should be would be nice.

      I'm honestly not sure where I'm going with this, I just had to get some things off my chest about the Mineverse community right now since nobody else will. I really want to hear what you fellas think. Also if you don't mind you can fill out this small template because I really want people to engage in trying to make this happen because even a small change can make a difference.

      How we can change as a community?

      What we can do to make those changes happen?

      Thanks for reading :)
      • Like Like x 4
    2. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      I think @mattenphew's idea of making Minetime into Mineverse's ban purgatory is the way to go. If someone cheats, makes threats or leaks they get blacklisted from all of mineverse and gets sent to Minetime (joke, but some part of me still lowkey wants it lmao)

      But uhhh I feel like Mineverse has always been quite toxic. Factions and OP PvP especially. Heavily moderating chat on there just get them more fired up, so I really don't think there is much to do about it unfortunately. I don't think it's nearly as bad right now as it was in the first half of 2020 though. I'd also like to say I think it was equally as bad back in 2015, but the server was bigger so it was more transparent and harder to catch up on it. Now everyone knows everyone.
    3. DeathAuras

      DeathAuras Experienced Member

      Sep 14, 2019
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    4. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Yeah you have some good points. I only ever played Op and I remember back in 2015 I never experienced any toxicity, barely anyways and nothing too serious. I know there's nothing much we can do but I want to hear what people think we can do and how we can do it. Anything is worth a try to be honest.
    5. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Unfortunately this isn't a new issue, you talk about the golden days of 2013/15. Staff would literally be DDOS’d offline for weeks at a time back then , People pulled IPs through leaked staff accounts. Criticising the Staff Team is not a new thing. There are always critics. It’s been toxic since the start, from both the community and mod team side.

      Could it change? Yes. Will it? Probably not. :(

      I could say a lot more but it would rub off the wrong way on people.
    6. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      u know it’s bad when you get dox threats for simply ~existing~
    7. Qwiby

      Qwiby parkour enthusiast Premium

      Nov 3, 2015
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      All cool in all but this isnt going to change anything sadly
    8. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      You're talking about toxicity, but when someone tries to criticize the staff team in any way, their comments will be deleted and posts will be locked. In all honesty, I'm pretty happy that this is all happening to this server, a quick death is the best it can hope for at this point. Space Prison died within 3 days of release and Crew really doesn't bother with advertising the server at all or pay YouTubers to play on it.

      He just doesn't care as much as he once did, and the community now is just seasoned players who have become toxic through the years. Yes there's some people who are way too toxic towards the staff team, and I agree that bringing up irl situations like doxxing in an online fight is pathetic but it doesn't mean that the staff team is perfect.

      For example, Minecraft was 100% revived late last year, and them re releasing Infection was a good idea and the server grew massively. The quarantine hit and the server grew even more and the staff team got too comfortable and only updated survival and left all other gamemodes to die (mob arena in skyblock was never added while it had 50+ active people on at all times etc) and the staff thought it was going to be like that forever.

      Well we are still in quarantine and the server is dying like never before and all new gamemodes die on release (Creative update was literally uneeded) and instead of maintaining and advertising the gamemodes that are slightly active (like op pvp), the staff choose to re release old gamemodes and leave them unmaintained and on top of that crew thinks it's a good idea to re release Minetime.

      The staff team drove the server into the ground, and I don't mean the mods, although they certainly contributed, but Noobcrew himself, who's been getting thousands of dollars from this server while releasing updates no one asked for and neglecting real suggestions with tons of support from the suggestion column.
      It's too late now anyway, unless you can pull in a large YouTuber then this is dead when quarantine ends. I'll definitely be sad to see it go after so long but I can't say I'll feel bad for noobcrew because he got his money's worth.

      I'm not saying that the staff team is the only problem, because there's also some really sh*ty people who only come on for the sole purpose of trolling and just to piss off the staff team, but if this server was able to grow then I strongly believe that the community would improve.
    9. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Yeah I guess you're right. I just wanted to ask the community how they feel about how Mineverse is right now and if it's able to change in any way at all. I agree with everything you said though, thanks for sharing.
      That's the world we live in sadly:(
      I mean I have hope, doesn't necessarily matter how long it takes, just matters if what I say and others commented on this thread will get into people's heads and maybe can change their minds I honestly don't know. Just felt like making a thread on the current state of the Community.
      I mean I can agree with some of the things you are saying. However in my opinion I don't think Mineverse will ever die completely, unless it closes down or something along those lines. There's new players joining everyday and obviously we have our OG players still playing and players that have been around for a few months to a few years still playing. Of course there's some gamemodes that literally nobody plays, maybe we should think about releasing gamemodes that the community want, start votes, be more active on suggestions etc because I personally believe that the community is the best judge for what's best for Mineverse as a whole. Other than that thanks for sharing your opinion.:)
      • Like Like x 1
    10. Dualband

      Dualband Well-Known Member

      Feb 17, 2014
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      tbh I haven't really read a lost of the posts on here. That being said, I apologize if I say something that has already been said.

      I'm not sure what part of mineverse you guys lived in, but this community has had a toxic community since the beginning. When I first started playing in 2013 there were people getting and using hacked armor, people hacking accounts, people getting hit off, doxxed, etc. It's been here since mineverse has been a server, at least in the groups I've been in throughout the years its been very evident. I think most of this was missed simply because there was a WAY larger community back then, if I remember right mineverse peaked around 2k players a day at some point. The reason the community is still so toxic is that the ones who stuck around are from the toxic community, or think that it's cool to be part of that community.

      With all that out there, I'm really not sure what course of action you could take to rid"mineverse of the wannabe hackers. I haven't been heavily involved in the community for some time but it seems that the toxic people do it purely for joy, meaning the only solid way to rid someone is by doing HWID bans, which I'm unsure if you can even do on an mc server. That and you'd have to have a zero tolerance for any joking about it (which I'm against as its essentially censorship). I could also recommend start taking in evidence from outside of just mineverse and it's discord. If someone is known for swatting, doxxing, DDoSing, anything of that sort, don't let them even have the chance to join or become part of that community.

      (sorry for any typos or things that don't make sense, I wrote this tired and don't care to proof read it rn. I'll gladly clarify or go into detail about anything anyone wants to know)
    11. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      I appreciate you writing this when you're tired. I just want to point out again that I purely based this thread off my POV from back then. I wasn't involved in any toxicity, I never experienced any, everyone I talked too was nice and passionate and always willing to help with whatever I needed. I've also been around for a while, maybe not as long as you but since Op was released so a long long time regardless. Of course I agree, there's not much we can do in terms of preventing any form of toxicity on Mineverse. However we could at least enforce some new rules, may be harsh but if it means making Mineverse a more family friendly server, might attract a larger audience and obviously that would be beneficial. A lot of people are known for Doxxing, DdoSing, Swatting etc and some have been dealt with and some haven't. Unfortunately we live in a world where you need evidence for everything, even if it's just Minecraft, those are the rules. Trust me I would love to have all of the people who have ever done any of that stuff to be perished from Mineverse but hey, I'm just a Mod so I don't get a say in that. Other than that, I agree with most of the things you said, thanks again for writing it. :)
    12. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      mv wouldn't be mv without its toxicity. it won't change it never will just accept it, no way of fixing it? you want a way of fixing it? remove everyone from the server and shut down op
    13. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Let's be honest, op is Mineverse's biggest gamemode and has been for years. I don't see this as a reasonable solution. There are no solutions to this, this thread was more of an opinion rather than a debate.
    14. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      i know but there should be no debate for this. there is no solution to do this like you said and people can throw in all the opinions they want to but it won't do anything. also i wasn't serious man don't know how you thought i was
    15. ProdBrodie

      ProdBrodie Active Member

      Jul 20, 2020
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      I Agree people are very toxic , and not fun to play against i think we should be nicer to people.
      • Like Like x 1
    16. Toad

      Toad Well-Known Member

      Apr 6, 2016
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      The MV community is toxic but that isn't a terribly bad thing because it's just how Mineverse is and if there wasn't that toxic element I don't think I would enjoy it as much but the toxicity I wouldn't mind removing is the Doxing and booting. Of course the releasing private info and booting people has bigger consequences than just forcing somebody off of a game. I know somebody that I was in a discord call with yesterday that was talking to me how his dad might lose his job because he was getting constantly booted and couldn't change his IP until a couple days later. I, myself was booted last summer which sucks but I couldn't do anything about it thankfully they stopped because I payed them $1,000. Anyways I don't see this stopping in the near future the people that dox and boot people aren't really the caring type and if somebody's dad is going to lose their job they'll laugh instead of having sympathy so I don't personally see this thread doing anything other than giving people that DOX and boot attention.
    17. SillyBing

      SillyBing Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2015
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      Is Op really that toxic? in my experience as a Skyblock player, the community is really wholesome with a few exceptions from a few players.
    18. Pillow

      Pillow Experienced Member

      Nov 12, 2019
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      I, as a player who doesn't play too much have been insulted a few times and even threatened, if that puts it into perspective.

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