This suggestion is pretty simple - just add which rank u are as like a prefix for prisons in tab. So its basically like how chat works with your name but in tab.
Minecraft has a 16 character limit for usernames, prefixes and suffixes. The prefix "&0[&3Mod&0] &3", for example, is 14 characters long. That means it's impossible for staff to show their space prison rank unless it's saved as a suffix (after the IGN). It could be shown as a prefix for non-staff, but that requires it to be custom for space prison only. You also need to keep in mind that nametags are the same as the ones showed in tab. Might look a bit weird seeing [J] in front of usernames above peoples' head Anyway I'm neutral since I for sure see the benefits with seeing ranks easily, but having a tablist specifically coded for one gamemode to show both donor rank colour and space prison rank ehhhhh... If it was a different dev who didn't cost big money maybe
That's not fully true actually, there's a method for just tablist. And the 16 character limit is only true for 1.8 unless prison is 1.8 then well you need to combine as you said the prefix + name + suffix to get a total of 48 characters. I'm also unsure if the 16 limit is true for the tablist method so it might work fine for tablist, I only know the limit is true for above player's heads nametag. So having "[J] &0[&9Sr-Mod&0] &3Sando3" may work.
I support this because you never know whos got the highest rank or what rank someone is in till they type in chat.
thanks for the support! i get what u mean but im pretty sure that the limit can be changed. not fully sure cus im not rly into coding and stuff