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  • Creative Basics (Gamemode) Some additions to creative ♡

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by sabrina, Aug 11, 2020.

    1. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Hi! As an OG Creative player, these are just a few things i believe should be implemented into the gamemode. I want to make it clear that I'm not asking for a reset, it would be too heartbreaking to lose all those amazing plots people have made over the years. I'm simply asking for you to give your opinions on what I think could be added to improve this gamemode that seems to have lost it's playerbase over the years.


      Bring back /creative 2

      Now I know there are already suggestions asking for this to be brought back, but here are my thoughts on it:
      There are many OG creative players returning to MV during this pandemic, only to find their original plots have been wiped and they're unable to access them. Bringing this back, in whatever way possible, would give nostalgia to older players, encouraging more people to return Creative to it's former glory.

      Additionally, adding a second creative would give more plot space for all players, meaning people who use their plots for builds don't have to clear them every time they come up with a new build idea, and have more space to work with.

      TL;DR: bring back /creative 2 for access to more plots & to bring back OG players

      Clean up PlotChat

      This is more of a cosmetic issue. It would be nice if there was a way to incorporate one's rank into plot chat, as well as to remove the numbers (i'm not completely sure what they're for, but I don't think anyone's used them, correct me if i'm wrong)
      I think a cool addition to Plot Chat would be to change the colour of your chat to your liking, this could either be a rank perk or for everyone. Additionally, for convenience's sake, being able to type /p chat or /pchat instead of /plot chat when switching between plot chat and global chat would be a nice addition.

      TL;DR: add ranks and command shortcuts to plot chat

      All Chats

      Another cosmetic addition that could be made to this gamemode is the ability to use colours in chats. This could be a rank perk or something for everyone.

      I feel like this would be a good addition considering it occurs in other gamemodes.
      The ability to toggle different chats could be useful for a number of reasons. For example, players could turn off global chat if the wish to focus on plot chat only, or have the ability to turn off word scrambles etc if they wish, without having to disable chat in settings. Plot chat is already able to be toggled, but it would be nice if global chat had the same options and in a more accessible way.
      Again this is just a cosmetic issue so isn't urgently needed, but would be a nice touch.

      TL;DR: Fix colour commands for all chats & include a way to toggle different chats

      The Lag!!!

      I don't know if anyone else experiences this (it could just be me and my 20fps laptop) but whenever I log into creative at certain parts of the day and try to build, I always lag back a few seconds and get kicked from the gamemode regularly.
      This is quite frustrating and has discouraged me from using the gamemode multiple times, and is quite annoying especially when I am trying to build.

      TL;DR: Fix the lag !!

      "Feelings" Plugin

      This feature of creative seems very cool, but I personally have never managed to get it to work. Again, a cosmetic issue, but it would be a nice touch if this could be fixed.
      For those who don't know how it works, this gives you the ability to /hug, /slap or /poke another online player.

      TL;DR: Patch the "Feelings" plugin

      Have a Creative Competition

      This suggestion is less for the development side of the gamemode, but a suggestion for the competition to come up with an entry-level competition for the gamemode to get more people interested in playing it, and maybe a way to revive Creative. The theme could be nostalgia, for example what MV used to be like, or maybe a specific theme such as outer space or wildlife. It could be a build competition, a collaboration project, anything to get people back into playing creative again.

      I know there have been creative monthly competitions in the past, but an entry-level one would encourage people from all skill sets to enter, and a MV sanctioned one would be advertised all over the server as well as forums.

      TL;DR: Host a competition in Creative to get more players to use the gamemode

      MV Chat Leaderboard

      I'm unsure if this is getting implemented already, I heard somewhere it was but i don't know. It's a good idea nonetheless. As there's no real reward for completing word scrabbles in creative (there used to be diamonds but this was removed as it was inconvenient), a leaderboard of the top unscrabblers would be a good idea to encourage more people to use the gamemode. These top players could then get a reward such as entering a monthly raffle for top unscrabblers to win a voucher to MV's shop, extra world edit, etc. This would be a good incentive for more people to use the gamemode.

      As for how the leaderboard could be accessed, there could be a command ( like /votetop in lobby) to view the leaderboard in chat, as well as a physical leaderboard in spawn showcasing the top unscrabblers (such as the leaderboards in the survival spawn)

      Players would have to speedily unscramble / type words as they appear in chat, and the top unscramblers (the people who unscramble the most words in a month/week long period) would then receive a reward of some kind.

      TL;DR: add a reward system & leaderboard for word scrabbles in creative

      Changing GMs in Creative

      Previously in creative, you were able to switch your personal gamemode to survival, creative or spectator mode by typing /gm 1 (creative) , /gm 2 (survival) or /gm 3 (spectator).

      Now, the command is /egm survival or /egm creative, but you are unable to enter the spectator or adventure gamemodes.
      I believe these should be brought back as they were useful for players with adventure maps on their plots, or people wishing to enter spectator mode to remain unseen by other players. This could be either a ranked perk or for everyone.

      TL;DR: bring back spectator & adventure gamemode

      Enable Friends plugin in Creative

      Currently you are unable to view your friends list or /kiss anyone in creative. This is a relatively easy fix and would make the whole server more connected.

      TL;DR: add /friends

      Implement new map submissions

      It has been confirmed by crew that an infection reset is in the works, but it would be nice to see some maps that have already been submitted to be implemented, to show players that all their hard work and building amounts to something. If players don't see plots and maps being implemented, this may discourage them from making new maps in the future, which would drive away even more players from creative.

      There are so many brilliant maps with pages upon pages of supports from the forums community, it would be a great incentive to build on creative if more maps were to be implemented. It is my understanding that there is no real list of what criteria is needed for a map to be implemented. Making it more clear what kinds of maps for which gamemodes are needed and what criteria are needed for maps would be helpful for builders. e.g.
      • what size plot? do they have to join 2 or more plots or are they okay with just one?​
      • how big does the map have to be? does it take up the whole plot, or just a fraction? a X by X plot size guide would be useful for prospective builders.​
      • What criteria does each gamemode need for their maps? Infection maps need to ensure there are no boosting spots, bedwars maps (if there are submissions being taken for this) would need a map suitable for the gamemode, etc.​
      Adding a guideline for map builders would encourage more people to build proper maps that meet all the criteria.

      TL;DR: implement map submissions and create a list of guidlines for map submissions

      Creative Minigames

      These ideas would take a little more time, but would be a fun and worthwhile addition to the gamemode.

      Speed Building

      A fun little addition for the creative gamemode to get more people to play are minigames. for example, players could enter speed-build competitions in which they have to copy a build in a certain amount of time. This could be a great game to play if they don't want to commit to making a big build, and rewards could be given for the fastest builders / people who played the most games.

      How it would work is they would be teleported to a small plot (around 5x5x5 or 6x6x6, with a random selection of blocks placed in that area. Players could either be given a short amount of time to memorize the block placement before they disappear, where players would try to match the block placements from memory, or, they would have an empty plot next to the plot with the blocks and have to copy it as quickly as possible. They could be given points for accuracy and time, which would count towards a prize for the fastest/most accurate builders.

      The great thing about this game is that it only requires one person to play, so there is no hindrance of waiting for multiple people / asking others to play just so they can play this game.

      The specifics can be decided by the development team, I just thought this would be a neat addition to creative and would encourage more people to play without the commitment of having to build something massive.

      Mini Build Competitions

      Much like on bigger servers, MV could have mini build competitions in which players would have to build something corresponding to a specific theme, and at the end of the allotted time vote for the best build. This would require multiple players to be playing at the same time, and would be a great game to play for groups of friends.

      TL;DR: Add creative-based minigames to make it more interesting for all players


      Thank you so much for taking the time to read these suggestions! I know it's a lot so i made a "too long, didn't read" for each section for all the lazy people ;p

      thank you so much for reading, any and all opinions are welcome!

      Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
    2. Toheedprff786

      Toheedprff786 Experienced Member

      Aug 14, 2014
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      Full support creative defo needs some improvements and many good ones are mentioned here.
      imo there should only be 1 maybe 2 competitions but there's no harm in having multiple suggestions.

      cant be me
    3. izzymoney

      izzymoney Established Member

      Aug 4, 2020
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      i support this idea
      it took a lot of time to read but was worth it
    4. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      thank u for your input!I just wanted to put all the suggestions i had for creative into one place to make it easier c:
    5. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
      Likes Received:
      What a nice and dedicated thread, support for my creative home dawgs
    6. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Full support
    7. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      ill try to do the easy ones :sorry: creative be hard to get changes on
    8. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      thank u all! <3

      I agree some of these changes aren't needed but will be great to make the gamemode more appealing to new & returning players c:

      yea i get its not the most played gamemode, i just thought some of these changes would get it to be used more c:
    9. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      I mean I don't mind it, but instead of just having a "museum server" as crew calls it, I think it would be better if a command was implemented to move your build on creative2 over to your plot on creative1. Now this would for sure require some hardcore coding, but would definitely be worth it if it works.

      Already implemented. Kinsey and I requested this for survival and bedwars, and crew figured he'd just add it server-wide. The command is /reaction top

      I was going to make an official thread in April, but exams happened which stopped all my plans everywhere literally. Ban logs, coding, etc. I even got Accept to help me measure every skywars map to find out what sizes every map was and got Swift to help me with Bedwars Map guidelines. I'll put it on my to-do after ban logs and discord update

      Anyway support. Just as an idea I also think a way to obtain more plots could be a neat idea. Whether this would be a rare vote reward, activity reward or something else idk. Just an idea -\_(o.o)_/-
    10. Pillow

      Pillow Experienced Member

      Nov 12, 2019
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      100% support on everything :asshat:
    11. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      thank you, i wasn't sure if it was already implemented or not, still it would be nice to have a physical leaderboard in the spawn of gamemodes, like they have in survival, skyblock etc.

      this is a good idea!! especially for builders who may have to clear their plots to make way for new builds, this could be really handy c:

      i feel like this would be really helpful for aspiring builders to get into building maps for the server as they can see clearly what and what not to include in their builds!

      thank you both for your support <3
    12. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Support <3
    13. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      thanks bro! blue heart <3

      bumping alsoo:>
    14. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      bumping! <3

      thank u crew for the support btw c:
    15. Tonya

      Tonya Well-Known Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      Support! This is a great thread with so many lovely ideas, all of which can improve creative immensely!
    16. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      thank you for your support!

      Also another idea to add to the list, adding /warps to creative so players can set warps on their plots!
      (i'm not sure if this is implemented already, i couldn't get on creative just now to check ;p)
    17. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      support all these are needed and maybe some other things that have been suggested over time here but these are definitely some
    18. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Historically there has only really been Infection maps that have been submitted/accepted. Infection maps don't really need a guide, there are no rules, no criteria to an infection map there has always been that freedom. If there was to be a guide/rules it would be this

      • Ensure the build is up to a 2020 standard of professional minecraft builds
      • Make sure the map is pv friendly (no tall grass, flowers etc
      • Ensure the map is balanced, any experienced infection player knows this.
      If someone didn't already know that basic criteria, they clearly aren't and experienced infection player.

      That being said, I'd happily make a in-depth guide/criteria for building infection maps if that's what the community really wants.
    19. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      Love this comment! Clearly the community needs the guide seeing some of the new maps.
    20. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      yeah I just thought i’d put all the creative suggestions in one place, or as many as I could think of / find c:

      I believe Sando is planning on making a criteria for maps at some point, i think the community could really benefit from it as it would encourage new players to build maps for the server as they are given clear instruction instead of a ballpark guess of what criteria the map needs.

      yeah, it does make me feel bad when players put a lot of effort into maps and they don’t get considered because they weren’t aware of any criteria
    21. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      i didnt really read the thread but it looked very nice when i scrolled through so support !!!!!!!!

      simp for sab !!

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