I feel there should be a way for any ranked member with a heal to see if there heal if finished its delay time, it just seems easier and you don't have to waste a heal when seeing if you know what I mean
This would be a good implementation however people abuse heals anyways to kill people, this will just make their timing a lot better. No Support.
I feel as tho if heal is more OP with the announcement or what not it would give people more of a reason to get a rank, thus giving the server more money.
Neutral reasons stated by rent, I don’t think this is generally a bad suggestion but like rent said people already abuse the ./heal command already.
Support, but it would require a custom plugin as Essentials doesn't support what you want. If we get a custom heal plugin, I'd personally like it to have these additions: 1) /heal check - check your own heal cooldown or if it's ready to be used 2) /heal check [player] - check someone else's heal cooldown (could be used to prove macros) 3) Being healed by someone else would say "You were healed by Sando3"
think it does now thinking about it, titan gets nothing near worth $125, knowing when you could heal again would make it some what better