If you're not using the Mineverse default style, that would be the problem. It seems that if you're using any other style, you won't be able to see your friends. (Thank you Cwes for figuring out the problem!) How to change styles: First, click on/scroll over your name (next to Inbox) and click "Preferences". Next, click the bar next to "Style" and switch it to (Use default style: Mineverse) and you should be able to see it.
We only support the latest theme at the moment, if you really want to see this implemented I suggest making a suggestion on the Forums for it here. I will be closing this as this has been resolved. If you have any more inquiries or need any help regarding this, feel free to start a conversation with me or any other available staff on Forums (by clicking our profile picture, you should see ''Start a conversation in the middle of ''Profile Page'' and ''Follow/Unfollow'') or message me on Discord (Aly#5438) and we will try our best to help you! Moved to ''Archive - Help''