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  • Mineverse at War|Chapters 1-3

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by jarroy, Jul 2, 2014.

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    1. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      If you haven't read the Prologue, go here!

      Chapter 1 MAV

      Mineverse sat in The End. No Sunlight, An Artificial Wither and Dragon. There were portals, that led to the different planets in Mineverse. You could see the planets, all around the lobby. From the biggest planet, KitPvP, to the weird-looking planet of Infection, to the little dead planet of BvZ.

      Today, there were no players in the Lobby. One popped in, Kirbyo32. He was confused.

      "Where is everyone?"

      He teleported to the KitPvP world, and there were players going about their normal day. Although, there were only 31 players, and most of them weren't fighting, they were at Spawn, and saw that some were crying, others had scared looks on their faces. He asked around, but no one would answer, they would just point to the enchantment room.

      He slowly, walked over there, and what he saw was horrifying. He had a rope around his neck, his feet were 2 feet above the air. Kirbyo fell down and backed up. He tried to go through the portal, but saw that it had turned dull. Then he realized, that's why no one has been able to leave. They had all come in as innocent players, and no one has been able to leave. Kirbyo was desperate to warn other players, but he couldn't, he was trapped now.

      Another player popped in, pokemaniac01.


      He was confused to see no one in the lobby, as it was usually thriving. He decided to go into Infection. When he teleported in, he was immediately swarmed with players. He heard whining and cries. They seemed desperate

      "Please! Please help!" One yelled

      "Please!!!!!" Another cried

      He backed up and told everyone to calm down. He saw that some players hadn't come up to them. Those that didn't were either sitting, holding their knees, some were laying on the ground. He went over to one of the players who was sitting holding their knees, who he then recognized as jarroyonaples.

      "Jarroy? What's going on?"

      No Answer


      He pushed him a bit, but he wouldn't budge.

      Suddenly, a scream filled the air. poke ran towards the scream and saw that she was on the ground, shaking.


      He tried to make her respond, but she was just laying there, eyes wide open. Someone came up to him. It was jarroy

      "She's infected..."

      "What???!!" Said poke

      "She's infected."

      "What does that mean??!"

      "This was just a game... Now it's real. She'll turn into a zombie to"

      Poke looked down at her, and then stood up and grabbed jarroy's arm, taking him over where no one could hear them.

      "What is this Infection?" He asked

      "When someone gets bitten, by an invisible monster, they get infected, and in short time, they'll turn into a zombie"

      "And what do you do with those who do turn?"

      "We throw them off the map.."

      "How many are infected are there so far?"

      "Those who are sitting or are lying down..."

      "But you were...you were sitting"

      People included in Chapter 1:

      ( :> I know its completely off the "Mineverse at War" storyline but we'll get there, don't worry :>)

      (Chapter 2 will be posted later tonight or tomorrow on this same thread :3)

      Chapter 2 MAV

      Back at the lobby, another player showed up. LolaPerez_123

      She didn't really mind the lobby empty. She loved playing infection, but today she decided to go into Parkour.

      When she walked in, no one was there. She was confused now. There were usually people here. She climbed up the stairs to the 3rd floor to do Parkour X. As she was doing the Parkour, she heard wailing noises from below, she didn't mind. At one point, she failed and started falling. She braced herself, because she hates the feeling of hitting the ground and being teleported back up. She looked below her and saw red eyes. At this point, she started screaming, she flailed around in the air and found a block at Parkour II to land on. She hit it, and survived. She quickly climbed up and looked below her carefully

      "HELP!!!!" She screamed

      No one else was at Parkour. She looked below and realized... There were players down there...
      She tried to look for nametags, and saw none of them were her friends, to her relief. She saw a player flying around, looking at the monsters they had become.


      "GLAAD!!!!!!" She yelled

      Glaadiator couldn't see hear her, she just kept flying around.

      "GLAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled



      Glaadiator was looking at nametags seeing if she knew anyone


      She stopped midsentence and screamed.

      She had fallen off the platform.

      Another player decided to make his way onto Mineverse. It was Firo3000.

      "Why is the lobby empty? .__."

      He decided to teleport to Skyblock. When he got in, he was falling. He used the /fly command and came back to what used to be spawn. There were no blocks

      "Where is spawn at??"

      He teleported to his island and it was still there. He decided to fly around and look for other islands and hopefully, players. He saw one island, and landed there. He looked around, and found players in one room. He knocked on the door and Almarobb123 opened it.

      "Firo!!" She exclaimed

      She pulled him into a kiss, but then let go. Both their faces had turned red but they were smiling. She pulled him and they went to the other players there. He recognized madisonjr, Shonal, and IN1NJAI.

      "Why are you all in here?" He asked

      "Skyblock is falling apart" IN1NJAI said

      "What? How?"

      "From Spawn, Gravity has started to fail, and it's moving outward, to where it will eventually make every island fall into the void" Madison said

      "How far away are we from Gravity failing here??"

      "We are a very good distance away, long enough to survive for 1 or 2 days." IN1NJAI said

      "Wait" Firo said, "any player who was close to the gravity failing...did they..."

      "Yes. They have fallen into the void, and they're stuck there. Most likely they won't be able to come out for a very long time" Shonal said

      "How many players are left in Skyblock!?" Firo exclaimed

      "23" Alma said
      People included in Chapter 2:
      @Lola Perez

      (Chapter 3 will be here soon :>)

      Chapter 3 MAV

      And so, another player came to Mineverse. blossumwarrior. She immediately went to Factions. She didn't notice that there weren't any players in the Lobby. As soon as she hopped on Factions, the spawn was on fire. She ran as fast as she could out of Spawn. When she looked back, she saw the buildings collapsing on itself.

      "ahh.. What was that?"

      She started walking and realized that the sky was covered by smoke. There had been fires all around the Factions world. She covered her mouth and started running west. She came upon NASA. The building still standing, and she walked in.

      "Hello?" She yelled

      "Is anyone there?"

      She looked outside and saw 3 people running towards her. One of them, the leader, had a knife in his hand. She quickly backed up and looked for an exit.

      "Help!" She exclaimed

      The guy with the knife grabbed her in a headlock and put the knife over her neck.

      "You're coming with us" he said

      She saw that the two other people looking at her were SeanDF and kitkat6605910. She saw a necklace around the guy who was holding her, with the first letter of his name.


      And she passed out.

      Another player, Mineterria, hopped on the server. He was a little confused that there were no players in the Lobby. He decided to look at the planets in all their glory, but soon realized something was wrong.

      He looked at the KitPvP world. It was completely covered in dark rainclouds, and didn't see any sign of stopping.

      He looked for the Prison world. it was...gone...

      Survival world had also disappeared...

      He looked at the planet of Factions, and saw that it was rumbling, and saw buildings collapsing.

      The creative world was nowhere to be seen.

      The infection world, looked okay.

      When he looked at the Skyblock world, he saw it was collapsing on itself. From the core outward, it seemed to be falling into itself.

      Skygrid, Survival Games, OPPvP had all disappeared as well.

      He saw the Parkour World slowly darkening.

      He only saw 5 worlds still alive, but falling apart.


      He flew farther out, and saw the BvZ world. It was a small little dead planet, but he saw life. He teleported to BvZ.

      When he got there, what he saw was horrifying. He saw blueberrywaffle, Pile_of_Butts, Grayson, and Noobcrew, all on the ground, passed out. Grayson was bleeding from his leg, it looked broken. Pile was facedown, but when he put her face up, he saw she had a puncture wound on her stomach. Noobcrew was not doing good. His two legs were broken, face was bleeding, his arm looked broken as well.

      He went over to blueberry and saw that he was dying. It looked like he had a gunshot wound in his stomach. He had to do something, but what? He didn't have anything good to use.

      He decided to explore the planet more. He walked for half an hour, until he found a house. He ran up to it and went inside. Quickly, he scavenged for any supplies to save his friends. He found 9 first aid kits and some water and cans of food. He put them all in a bag and ran outside. He was running as fast as he could, back to where the rest were.

      When suddenly, a huge explosion was heard from outside of the planet. He looked up at the sky and saw something had exploded.

      The lobby had exploded...

      Players included in Chapter 3

      (That's it! Look forward to the other thread that will include chapters 4-7!)

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      Last edited: Jul 2, 2014
    2. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      That was amazing :>
      • Like Like x 1
    3. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      I might start my own story/adventure.
    4. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Best story I've ever read. Please post more of this this is interesting :>.
      Btw can I be on da story? ;-;
      • Like Like x 1
    5. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Yes of course :)
    6. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Yesssss :)
    7. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I'll put you in the 3rd or 2nd chapter :>
    8. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Doesn't matter where. All I want to see is what I can do :>
    9. SeanDF

      SeanDF Boss Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      And once again, Sean is left out. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~;
    10. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      I think the number 3 is better cause its the final one :>
    11. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Actually there's going to be 50 chapters o.o
    12. SeanDF

      SeanDF Boss Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      o.o wow.
    13. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      o.o put me in the one you would like then....
    14. Glaadiator

      Glaadiator Boss Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      Suggestion: add glaad
    15. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Will do :>
    16. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I'm adding Chapter Two momentarily :>
      • Like Like x 1
    17. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Chapter Two added! :>
    18. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      Yay, the tag worked!

      Thanks for including me in Chapter 2 Jarroy :)
      • Like Like x 1
    19. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      You'll be in more :>
    20. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      YAY! :) :happy: Thanks :D
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