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    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by JustBroken, Jun 9, 2020.

    1. JustBroken

      JustBroken Active Member

      Aug 31, 2019
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      Good evening everyone. As you know I have been playing on this server for a very long time almost 7 years ... I have had many friendships most of which ended badly for reasons that I am not talking about .. About half an hour ago I was banned for 30 days for using a macro in my video. Since I play on this server I have never used any type of hacks I have always played legit even if I have lost many times because most people use hacks like Reach, autoclickers macro heal and much more. I don't want to go into much, I just wanted to tell you that in my opinion this server is full of hatred, of people who insult you from nothing without even knowing you. Of people who target you all the time even 3 on 1 just because you killed them. I'm pretty tired of this situation, know that I worked hard to try to bring good content to people and that I really did it with my heart, in fact we grew from 140 members to 215 in less than a month ... I hope that you liked my videos but I don't think you want any more. Nothing justifies what I have done, because I have broken the rules, but I hope that the message I want to send you will arrive. Also probably in this post I will receive many insults, but it doesn't matter. It was a pleasure, the judgment to you.
      I kindly asked a friend to close the youtube application because everything is now useless .. if someone has something to say, do it here.
    2. Vem

      Vem Experienced Member

      Jun 19, 2019
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      See you brother!

      Good luck <3
    3. JustBroken

      JustBroken Active Member

      Aug 31, 2019
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      I think you are the only person who is nice and sincere and whom I have never trusted for 6 years playing on this server. Thank you very much for everything my brother!
    4. JustBroken

      JustBroken Active Member

      Aug 31, 2019
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      Thanks so much bro! As you said we had a beautiful relationship as friends!! I will remember you for sure! Thanks for the support.
    5. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Good bye brother :( </3
      I'll miss you
    6. iMoneyMaker_

      iMoneyMaker_ Active Member

      Jun 26, 2019
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      :( your videos were very good and you are nice, good luck in the future : )
    7. JustBroken

      JustBroken Active Member

      Aug 31, 2019
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      Thanks so much brother i will miss you too...

      iMoneyMaker thanks you too man! I will up other videos. I won t leave my fans without videos.
      • Like Like x 1
    8. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      whattt nah bro you were gunna get youtuber i believed u will, why u gotta do this, people enjoyed ur content honestly, i enjoyed it, man this is messing me up, imma miss u a lot bro :(
    9. Toad

      Toad Well-Known Member

      Apr 6, 2016
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      You were very toxic yourself all up until you made your media application. Don't try to act like you weren't a part of the problem.
    10. JustBroken

      JustBroken Active Member

      Aug 31, 2019
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      Thanks so much brother.. i love you too and my fans, and i know that many people like my videos but this server have so many hate towards me man... i will miss you too.

      I was just waiting for your answer .. the answer of one of the most toxic people on the server and who did everything to make me spend bad days. I was toxic sometimes I admit it without problems, but this is my character and certainly I am not silent in front of a person who makes fun of me or who insults me or my family as you and many other people did, that's it.
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2020
    11. Toad

      Toad Well-Known Member

      Apr 6, 2016
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      The only reason I was so toxic to you is because about 3 weeks ago (prior to you making your media application) when we fought you were bypassing filter calling me "the worst player in the game" and other things that involve my family as well, don't try to play the victim. You got what you deserved quit crying.
    12. JustBroken

      JustBroken Active Member

      Aug 31, 2019
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      You got it really wrong ... I definitely won't cry for people like you and a block game, there are much worse things in my life. People like you are bad, you enjoy throwing on other people ... It was you who started playing in kitpvp even when banned using another account and continuing to use macros, I have many videos that prove it , one even where you admit it is you ... this toxicity on your part started well before 3 weeks ago ... and I simply responded to your insults, telling the truth and trying not to lower me to your level.
    13. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Thats why this server sucks. Everyone is so rude they all hack and ddos you. and the staff team does nothing about it
    14. Sheshy

      Sheshy Moderator Moderator Competition Team

      Sep 17, 2015
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      Smogx seemed to of redeem himself from his macro pretty well, if he can maybe you can too.
    15. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      The fact that you gave up on the application just because of a ban is kinda dissapointing. We have players that have achieved a lot even if they were the most hated people in the community at some point *Cough* chain *cough*. I say don't give up, I personally haven't seen any of your videos, but I can tell that you have potential. You said it yourself, these people on the internet don't know you, so why should you take it so deeply in your heart? I get it that it's hard and overtime those things stack up and hit you emotionally pretty badly, but you should believe in yourself more. The whole PvP community, not only in Mineverse but in Minecraft in general is very toxic, gamemodes on Mineverse such as OpPvP are just a shame to look at sometimes, people cry about everything, try to insult you in every way they can just so they can get your items and call you an eZ noob. It's really a shame and the fact that people blame the staff about it is even worse. Don't blame the staff and don't reply back to toxic people with toxicity. Sooner or later you will be respected a lot more and then you won't be toxic yourself. I agree with Toad, that you shouldn't act like a victim. Obviously you had said things back to Toad as well and blaming each other right now as of who said worse things is just a big waste of time in my opinion. Just stop and forget it, move on and try to visit some other gamemodes on Mineverse, for example skyblock or survival. Each gamemode has a different community and the ones that aren't based on PvP are a lot less toxic, those communities can help you calm down and let you start learning how to be less toxic yourself. That's it. Don't give up on your application, if you really want the position then you will work for it. Start looking for different solutions that will help you to achieve your goal and soon you will receive your wanted promotion, even if you were banned in the past.
    16. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Yeah, one mistake (or in a lot of cases, many mistakes) are not what should define you. It’s how you recover from those mistakes and how you choose to carry yourself afterwards. I went from being a big hacker to being a mod, twice.

      This server does have a whole bunch of toxic people, but the goodness of the rest of the community is what makes up for it. So basically, the other gamemode communities make up for the oppvp community (just jokes, but not really). Insecure people try to make themselves feel good by attempting to crush whatever happiness other people have in order to bring them down to their level. The saying “misery loves company” is very true. Don’t let these a bunch of losers ruin something that you enjoy. Swap around gamemodes; see what you can find. I went from playing oppvp to skywars, and skywars to skyblock and each individual minigame has its own diverse community.

      Good luck fam. I expect to see either a new application or a re-opened one in the future.
    17. JustBroken

      JustBroken Active Member

      Aug 31, 2019
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      As you can see.. the only people who got dislike and disagree are you and its_tuber... that you have understood absolutely nothing

      I know that i can. Everyone can do everything, but the circumstances are difficult .. it's not about me, it's about the people around me .. i can't afford to do a 1v1 with one person because afterwards i'm cleaned up losing everything ..

      I feel what you're saying.. The last thing I wanted to do is to go to the victim's side. In my real life I have always overcome everything even the most difficult things without ever throwing myself down, so much so that I also tattooed the phrase "Never give up" on my right arm because I think it represents me a lot. As I said, I didn't want to play the part of the victim, I was just trying to make you understand how I really feel and what I felt last night and while people insulted and targeted me, it's not a tragedy but it's not a good thing either. I will try with what you asked me.

      I will try that too, but i'm really a competitive person so it will be very difficult for me..
    18. Sheshy

      Sheshy Moderator Moderator Competition Team

      Sep 17, 2015
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      Just heal right after the fight
    19. Disc

      Disc Experienced Member

      Apr 12, 2020
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      Damn bro, I haven't met you in game but its sad to see you go... You seem like a nice guy even though you did hack. Hope to see you in the future, best of luck to you man! (Btw keep up your great videos they are really nice to watch, super well made :))
    20. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      I understand how you felt last night, I know from my own experience that it's not a nice feeling and the fact that you acted like a victim isn't something terrible either, it's the way some people express themselves and it's completely fine. Just don't bring your nose down and work on your goals.
      I'm a really competitive person on Minecraft as well, but Minecraft has this thing where you can be competitive in many different ways. Skyblock for example can let you fight for the top of the island level leaderboard, survival and any other gamemode like prison or OpPrison lets you compete for top balance leaderboard. You can be competitive in a lot of ways in Mineverse at least, you just have to find what suits you best, where do you think you won't rage as much, where you can find a lot more friends and actually have fun while playing. That's why I suggested skyblock, people are helpful there and I'm sure you can find something that you will like there.
    21. JustBroken

      JustBroken Active Member

      Aug 31, 2019
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      Thanks so much for the support and for the good words. I'm really happy that you like my videos!

      Yes, what you say its true.. Minecraft gives us so many options to play in different modes.. I will for sure try to play Oppvp i don't know when, but i will leave completely the chat, both private and public message, so that i can't type and i can't read what people are saying.
      I will upload a video very soon, and i have some kills recorded for a montage maybe for the last episode...
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