Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for being 16
banned for correcting me lol
banned for being a noob
check my report banned for nothing just banned
banned for not being able to get on
I am on...
uggh what
Banned for lack of banning.
Banned for guessing my age wrongly banned for lack of nothing
Banned for lack of signature..
banned for having 2 . at the end of the sentance. You choose, either 1 (proper) or 3 (trailing on)
Banned for having no period at the end of the second sentence as well as an extraneous comma.
banned for having an extreme grammatical knowledge.
banned for acting like u've been dead and coming back bc u werent dead
Banned for assuming sh isn't undead.
banned for admin abuse
banned for mini-modding