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  • [Unofficial] Build team. [Gravedug]

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Yin, May 15, 2014.

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    1. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Hei guys, Yin here.

      What is this? It's a place you can grow as a builder, where we can help you bring out your talents, and a place which gives you something to believe in. Our aim is to bring quality builds in minecraft[​IMG] to you guys, the players... awesome builds deserve to be played not hidden away to only show pictures. We will try to specialize in storyline driven maps. As we delve into a creative universe we are building, we urge that you take the dive and come with us. If you believe you are a talented builder and enjoy building, apply below.
      We will have four different classifications within the team: Terraformer, Redstoner, Builder or All-around. If you want to apply, choose which you fit best.

      Minecraft Name:
      Skype Name:
      Time Zone:
      Are you familiar with Voxel Sniper and/or WorldEdit (No WorldPainter)?
      What part of terraforming are you best at (pick three from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
      [ ] Drastic Terrain Changes (Cliffs, Holes, etc)
      [ ] Gradual Changes (Mountains, Larger Hills, etc)
      [ ] Slight Hills
      [ ] Custom Terraformed Trees
      [ ] Water themed (Rivers, Lakes, etc)
      [ ] Fine Details (Working terraforming into smaller spaces)
      [ ] Terrain Variation (Different Materials with splatter commands, etc)
      [ ] Ideas (what terraforming what be best in certain situtions)
      [ ] Execution and Space Management (When given a huge task, allotting space correcting)
      [ ] Custom Features (Arches, etc)
      Provide pictures of videos of the two categories chosen above that you have done:
      Are you in another build team?
      Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)?
      Have you ever helped with another map that has made it onto the servers (if so, which one/ones and tell ALL of what you did on it)?
      Are you willing to do a trial of terraforming if accepted?

      Minecraft Name:
      Skype Name:
      Time Zone:
      What part of redstone are you best at (pick three from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
      [ ] Adapting redstone to buildings (Blending into the buildings, etc)
      [ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
      [ ] Ideas (Cool redstone things that would work in a place)
      [ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles of redstone and using them effectively)
      [ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag with the trap)
      [ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there's no ways to exploit the contraption)
      [ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
      [ ] Knowing where your contraption is going (Knowing mistakes or bugs with the servers where your redstone is going, i.e. Water/lava flow off in Mineverse)
      [ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners on the team)
      Provide pictures or videos of the three categories chosen above that you have done:
      Are you in another build team?

      Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)?
      Are you willing to do a trial of redstone if accepted?

      Minecraft Name:
      Skype Name:
      Time Zone:
      What part of building are you best at (pick 5 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
      [ ] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc)
      [ ] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs)
      [ ] Creative and Original Use of Blocks (No boring, old, overused themes/schemes)
      [ ] Lighting (Incorporating lighting into your building naturally)
      [ ] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be)
      [ ] Time Management (Building effectively and productively)
      [ ] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many)
      [ ] Knowledge of Blocks (Which ones fit in what ways, secrets in WorldEdit, etc)
      [ ] Can build ANY theme requested
      [ ] Excellence at Big Builds
      [ ] Excellence at Small Builds
      [ ] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit)
      [ ] Exceptional at Interior Designing
      [ ] Good at Planning Out a Task (Huge building or task, etc)
      [ ] Good at Listening to Higher-ups (Suggestions, etc)
      [ ] Good at Structural Design (Building interesting structures, not a square box house)
      [ ] Using Non-block Things to Add Depth (Fences, buttons, glass panes, stairs, trap-doors, etc)
      [ ] Creating Designs on walls, floors, cielings, etc.
      [ ] Gameplay Aspect
      [ ] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library)
      [ ] Creating a Mood (Using certain blocks to give a building a sad, happy, etc feeling)
      [ ] Fitting the Building into the background (Make it similarly themed and fit well)
      [ ] Concentrating on a Large Build for a Long Period of Time
      Provide pictures or videos of at least 3 of the 5 categories you chose above:
      Are you in another build team?

      Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)?
      Are you willing to do a trial build if accepted?

      Minecraft Name:
      Skype Name:
      Time Zone:
      Please fill out[​IMG] the corresponding sections so that we can figure out what your strongpoints are:

      Terraforming: What part of terraforming are you best at (pick one from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
      [ ] Drastic Terrain Changes (Cliffs, Holes, etc)
      [ ] Gradual Changes (Mountains, Larger Hills, etc)
      [ ] Terrain Variation (Different Materials with splatter commands, etc)
      Provide pictures or videos of the one category you chose above:

      Redstone: What part of redstone are you best at (pick one from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
      [ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
      [ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles of redstone and using them effectively)
      [ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
      [ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners on the team)
      Provide pictures or videos of the one category you chose above:

      Building: What part of building are you best at (pick 2 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
      [ ] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc)
      [ ] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs)
      [ ] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be)
      [ ] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many)
      [ ] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit)
      [ ] Exceptional at Interior Designing
      [ ] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library)
      Provide pictures or videos of the two categories you chose above:

      Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)?
      Are you willing to do a trial of each if accepted?
      Shoutouts to Red Forest, for the art and template. Keep in mind that these are only temporary, and a new template is being made.
      Now, I'd like to show you the application process, and moderation work.
      First, let's begin with the application process.

      1. An application is filed, and reviewed by me.
      2. After 1-7 days, a reply will be given, either denying or accepting the application
      3. Applicant will be added onto Skype, and will be asked to head onto Mineverse's creative server (with the exception of Redstone applicants, who will be placed in a private server.)
      4. Player will be asked to create anything of the players choosing (if it's a builder, terraformers and redstoners have a choice of what they want), with as much time as they'd like.
      5. User has finished building, if it meets the reviewers expectations, it will be accepted, otherwise, it'll be denied.
      6. If accepted, the player will receive full access to the server, and Skype group. Welcome to the team!
      Now, let me explain the moderator rank.

      Moderators will take care of the following tasks
      • Finding any rule breakers inside our Skype, Thread, and Server
      • Host any builds (not review, hosting it; meaning you have the selection of topic, and takes them into the build.)
      • Solves any problem found by a user
      • Keeping charge of future events, and organization of events.
      Moderator applications don't have a template. We'll sort through the following mod applications via invitation or review. If you wish to apply, just write your own application, and you'll be taken into consideration.

      • All rules of Mineverse apply in all our services (Skype and Server, as of now)
      • Anybody with a ban on Mineverse may not apply
      • You will be denied without any chance of reapplying if found lying about the screenshots or videos
      • If you have been denied, you may reapply in one week, though it may potentially increase if done repetitively,
      • All rules may change in the future
      Roster: 1/infinite (for now)

      Owner: 1/1
      YinMC (Skype: Yin.MC)

      Moderator: 0/unknown number

      Terraformer: 0/?????

      Redstoner: 0/kitten :3

      Builder: 0/something

      All-rounder: 0/hi
      Thanks for reading, hope to see you on our team!
      Last edited: Jul 13, 2014
    2. Katy Hudson

      Katy Hudson Active Member

      May 15, 2014
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      THIS is amazing. Although I wouldn't apply since I don't have a Minecraft account [Yet] ;)
    3. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Glad you enjoy the concept! I hope to see you in the team when the time for an account comes :)
    4. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      To anybody considering applying, keep in mind, I have high expectations, don't make me drop them.
    5. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Bump :3
    6. Cristopher Fennessee

      Cristopher Fennessee Experienced Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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    7. Cristopher Fennessee

      Cristopher Fennessee Experienced Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      And you have way too much time on your hands
    8. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Not exactly, didn't show anything that would take you out of Mineverse.
      I know, I hardly have any work to do, and lot's of free time.
    9. Cristopher Fennessee

      Cristopher Fennessee Experienced Member

      Feb 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      That formus looks almost identical that's all
    10. Layers12

      Layers12 Experienced Member

      Apr 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I'll probably apply sometime, Nice forum :)
    11. Katy Hudson

      Katy Hudson Active Member

      May 15, 2014
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      NOTE: This is my Brother signing up for this because his mother changed his Forums account password. He will be signing up here. Thank You!

      Minecraft Name: jarroyonaples
      Age: 14
      Skype Name: jarroyonaples
      Time Zone: Mountain Standard

      Small Key:

      XX = Amazingly Good At X = Very Good at it. X = Pretty Good X = Good X = Not Good
      What part of building are you best at (pick 5 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
      [X] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc)
      [X] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs)
      [X] Creative and Original Use of Blocks (No boring, old, overused themes/schemes)
      [X] Lighting (Incorporating lighting into your building naturally)
      [X] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be)
      [X] Time Management (Building effectively and productively)
      [X] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many)
      [X] Knowledge of Blocks (Which ones fit in what ways, secrets in WorldEdit, etc)
      [X] Can build ANY theme requested
      [X] Excellence at Big Builds
      [X] Excellence at Small Builds
      [X] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit)
      [X] Exceptional at Interior Designing
      [X] Good at Planning Out a Task (Huge building or task, etc)
      [X] Good at Listening to Higher-ups (Suggestions, etc)
      [X] Good at Structural Design (Building interesting structures, not a square box house)
      [XX] Using Non-block Things to Add Depth (Fences, buttons, glass panes, stairs, trap-doors, etc)
      [X] Creating Designs on walls, floors, cielings, etc.
      [X] Gameplay Aspect
      [X] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library)
      [X] Creating a Mood (Using certain blocks to give a building a sad, happy, etc feeling)
      [X] Fitting the Building into the background (Make it similarly themed and fit well)
      [XX ] Concentrating on a Large Build for a Long Period of Time
      Provide pictures or videos of at least 3 of the 5 categories you chose above:

      I use different Txture Packs a lot.
      Are you in another build team?
      I was until it went :dead:

      Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)?
      It was an old build team that was also on Mineverse. Like I said, it went :dead:
      Are you willing to do a trial build if accepted?

      Side Note: Hi Yin, its nice to see you for this small moment :P anyways bai and read dis please
    12. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
      Likes Received:
      It's a good application, but can you tell him that he needs to highlight his 5 best only?

      Also, tell Jarroy, hey there, glad to see right now :cat:
    13. Cristopher Fennessee

      Cristopher Fennessee Experienced Member

      Feb 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Can I still post here
    14. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Yes, even though it's a necro, I don't want this thread locked, as it's still valid.
    15. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Since May? O.o
    16. Asher535

      Asher535 Active Member

      Jul 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Do We Get Payed?
      If So how Much?
      Would You Accept 15 yr Olds?
    17. Buntobaga

      Buntobaga Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Obviously no.
      He's younger than 15, so yes.
      Wow, just think about it for 0.3 seconds.
    18. Muss2209

      Muss2209 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Minecraft Name:Muss2209
      Skype Name:Muss2209
      Time Zone:Western East of australia
      What part of redstone are you best at (pick three from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
      [ ] Adapting redstone to buildings (Blending into the buildings, etc)
      [ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
      [x] Ideas (Cool redstone things that would work in a place)
      [ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles of redstone and using them effectively)
      [ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag with the trap)
      [ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there's no ways to exploit the contraption)
      [x] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
      [ ] Knowing where your contraption is going (Knowing mistakes or bugs with the servers where your redstone is going, i.e. Water/lava flow off in mcsg)
      [x] Working with others (Working with other redstoners on the team)
      Provide pictures or videos of the three categories chosen above that you have done:

      javaw-2012-12-15-14-50-27-28_4403891.jpg Untitled-1.jpg

      Attached Files:

    19. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
      Likes Received:
      I'll accept the trial, but you'll have to wait till around Saturday to get details, as I'm on vacation for now.

      Edit: darn you slow macbook,you're making quoting 3confusing5me
    20. Muss2209

      Muss2209 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      I don't have mac I have windows :P
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