How old are you? Im currently 16. Your in-game name:markocatwither. What timezone are you in?Central timezone. What country do you live in? Florida and im a citizen in croatia. What languages do you speak? Mostly english and a little bit of hrvatski. Why do you think you should become a mod? Loyalty I will keep playing on the server I will never leave after some close calls I thought why would I abandon this server im staying permantly and if someone like my closest friend starts to hack and he says if you ban me I will stop being your friend forever i will still ban him. NonswearingI have never swore literally ask anyone the reason? little ones might just be playing for fun and what if they learned one of those words? I have never swore online or offline. Honesty I will always be honest on reports and ban appeals even if i dont like that person i will give them a fair chance. Kindness I will be happy to help with anything even when doing stuff like mining if someone online asks me to look at their ban appeal or report I will drop whatever im doing right away to look at it. Good problem solver When im looking at ban appeals and reports I will look very very closely to see if the person was hacking or not the reason is well... my freind had hacks he played on different servers I felt sorry for the people who were playing with him and I forced him to stop he uninstalled the hacks plus while im begining I will always ask another mod what they think just incase. Not accepting bribes I will never accept bribes to not ban a person even if its huge like titan i will never accept bribes. Happiness I almost all the time stay happy online and off most people would probably say why did he include this in his mod app? this is why if someone like a mod gets really angry they might just turn their back on the server and randomly ban people. How much time I have to offer the server I'm ussaly active on the forums that's good so I constantly check ban appeals or reports and quickly get on and ban/unban people. Knowing the server I know a lot of the people in the server I know I'm just a active member but I check posts a lot and I have gotten to learn the community. How much can you be active on the server everyday?2-6 hours. How long have you been playing Mineverse?10 months. Do you have any past experience as a moderator?No but i learn very quickly. now a little bit about myself!!! I grew up in florida but my parents were raised in croatia. my favorite thing is cats literally theres nothing I love more then cats. I have two cats there names are riko and roko I might post a pic later. I have learend to get along and sometimes even have fun with my 4 year old sister. thats all for now ;)
Friendly tip - It would help to proof read your app, and use capitalization, punctuation, and better grammar. :p