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  • NA Purge's Re-App.

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Purge, Apr 21, 2020.

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    1. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Your in-game name: VertalX
      What timezone are you in?
      What country do you live in?
      What languages do you speak?
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I think I should be a mod because I have alot of good personalities like respect, will power, and loyalty. I think I would contribute alot of bans to the server by doing my job really well. I think I could contribute by solving problems between people scams, illegal trades and more.

      Sometimes when I was a moderator here I would go AFK and the other mod's would get mad at me.

      Sometimes I would make jokes that were not funny and I apoligized for it and now I want to make it better.


      I will stay on the server alot of time to watch for cheaters.

      I will be there for the staff team through thick and thin!

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      4+ years

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

      Yes on forums I was banned alot I think for post farming. Also some other stuff like trading. I learned though.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      Yes I was moderator here 2 years ago. I had alot of fun and I would love to become a mod again.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No
      Do you have 50 Post Count? Yes
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? Yes
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? Yes
      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication? Yes

      I've had many experiences ingame but some date back to when I first started minecraft, I can solely say that I have no proof or evidence of when I was staff on smaller servers, one big server that I did get staff on was called Defiancecraft, I spent around 2 years applying and re-applying. until I finally got accepted by one of the Admins soon later defiancecraft shut down for good, some experiences that I had when I was staff on that server was, just helping people I truly loved it so much by helping with conflict and hackers it was very fun I really enjoy being a role module some other things I learned when staff was to never judge anyone I saw others being very mean to each other so I said that this wasn't going to happen anymore. As you know I never really got a chance for staff on any server really, I just enjoyed the people and how I could bond when I had a chance on top of doing the normal duties I also made a lot of friends, I overall interacted very greatly around the people on the team and a team player. I strived to have a great relationship with not just the players but the overall community, I found that it wasn't just banning people and power that came with staff it was the fun experience that came with it plus helping other people and learning on the way. Besides defiancecraft, I had my own server which eventually closed down due to family and budget issues but I felt like this was a great way for me to learn how to work with everything and hiring staff, with great leadership. now onto my traits .


      ↠ MOTIVATION ↠
      About overall what motivated me to apply for staff on the network is truthfully the community, I love it so much joining and playing with the players is just so fun. I love interacting with the other players and just playing on the entire platform it's something that I honestly enjoy spending my time on and making friends. I found a while ago that I needed something to give back to the community I found great leadership in myself and felt that I needed to expand, I also would generally just want to help out, be myself seriously bond with the community and have a good time. This would be a great way to give back I've always had very high confidence in myself trying I hope that I can bring this to the community by volunteering on here to make the community, even more, better and even cleaner which brings me to my next points my goals.


      ↠ CHOOSE ME ↠
      Some reasons I think you should choose me as a Moderator are, overall me, this was a clear goal from the start I knew that if I couldn't handle coping with myself and making myself more structure and active I couldn't help anyone else. I'm a very nice affectionate person very caring and very helpful to the community I feel very affectionate toward others and feel equal fairness should be at standard, I don't have any expectations for others and often feel that it's okay to be different. A different goal for me to completely inquiry is me pursuing being a very strong pusher and will do whatever it takes if any drama or stress hits me in-game I would keep going, therefore, shaping myself and others to become a better person and to help mentor. I also strongly feel that everyone should be respected in their own matter of choice, I can handle stressful situations I can also globally chat with others about in-game and out of game problems, I consider myself a mentor and a great role model to others some clear goals I personally hope to achieve is fairness, respectfulness, and equality next I also hope to turn around the cheaters and a goal for myself would be to help the staff with disrespectful people and rule breakers. I hope to make the community how it once was by truly bringing us together. Which leads me to more points below of character traits I will bring to the server.


      ↠ MATURE ↠
      Maturity. - I like to think as myself a very mature person who loves to help people, I also find I have great grammar and have a very easy time handling stressful situations that other staff may or may not have a hard time handling. I also hardly ever get discouraged at others, I have an open heart for everyone who is mature and respectful back to me. I treat others with respect and I like to think as myself of a very selfless person. I’m able to contact staff and ask for help when needed and help others when in need too, I’m an overall very respectful person who enjoys talking to people and carrying on conversations, and someone who enjoys interactive with staff and the growing community.


      ↠ RESPECT ↠
      When it comes to being respectful it’s one of my great strengths, I can handle when someone is being rude back I know never to be mean back to other players, I know how to deal with mean people and never to be mean back, I try my hardest to help other people to be respectful and always hold my fairness and respectfulness with me. A goal for respectfulness is to help the community and forums to be respected and to help players and staff get along if my second goal would be to have the staff get along too. Nothing brings the community to a fault when staff do not get along, I will try my hardest to help everyone get along and everyone to be respectful. Besides respectful, responsible I’m a very responsible person who knows how to treat different experiences very carefully, furthermore be able to do my part as a staff member getting all of my parts and jobs are done as a role for the team.


      As for helpful, I’m always a very helpful person if anyone needed any help It’s my job to help other players in need of the help. I’m also there for staff I’m a great team worker and would be there to independently work on my own, But I am also here for others too I would help anyone who had any questions or concerns, I would be able to fluently interact with others with a ease and not be stressed about it. I’m also a very understanding person with situations and would be able to help with equal fairness. I’m also a very hard worker very determined to achieve new goals and achievements on the server and treat all with respect while doing my job. A goal for me helping is to help more players in-game even though I have not achieved my goal quite yet.

      ↠ FAST TYPER ↠
      Fast learner and a fluent typer, I’m a very fluent typer I’m a quality person who knows how to record and type to people who do have a microphone. I also can easily communicate through chats online. I’m also a very fast learner I would consider myself a very flexible person who’s able to adjust to different experiences. As well as reporter gettings the job done as reports for different staff to handle getting the reports done with ease with video footage recorded, and screenshots with different screen shot devices


      ↠ NON-BIASED ↠
      Personally I feel this is very needed in most mods I do not abuse. I would never put players in situations that they would not want to be seriously I would take the job very seriously and have respect. As for friends I would ban anyone who breaks the rules since this is apart of being a moderator. I would not give friend leeways or easy ways out of things. I would not pick people to ban I would ban them for any reason that breaks rules not just to ban people or back people up that are my friends.


      Some ways that I can positively help the community overall Helping the staff and the players with any issues able to elaborate on situations and handle very stressful situations with ease, I also know how to fluently type and interact in a respectful and helpful manner into the entire server, I’m a very cheerful and respectful person who believes that the server should be a fun and happy place, I’m someone who will help the server strive harder and to push longer I am a very patient person about the server.

      My note:

      Hi i'm Purge this note is just a little story about me enjoy.

      About 2 years ago I was moderator here at MV I re-applied around 5 months ago I decided to close my application because I wasn't active and had just joined back. I'm reopening my application because I enjoy the server alot more now and would love to join the staff team once more. I am a previous mod here at mineverse it was alot of fun and I made alot of memories.

      Old accepted Application.





      No support:

      Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
    2. Unbreak1

      Unbreak1 Active Member

      Mar 31, 2014
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      Neutral for now.

      Would like to se more activity and reports before changing my mind.
    3. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Thanks I'll work on doing reports.:rolleyes:
    4. Tom

      Tom Active Member

      May 17, 2019
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      Neutral maybe leaning towards support.

      Be more active on both forums and ingame, have not seen you ingame myself. And try do more reports.
      Best of luck. :)
    5. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      no support, this is your first post in 3 months
    6. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Regardless of your activity(ik you’ll improve on that) support!
    7. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Thanks Tom. Nice seeing you ingame today!

      Understandable I do play around ingame tho.

      Thank you!:eek:
    8. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Spelling mistake here, might wanna fix that ;)

      I like your old accepted app, this one seems a little rushed though. Maybe try be more active, and edit this app so more people can see your skills & traits :)

      neutral, leaning towards support, good luck :D
    9. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Thank you Sabrina. :rolleyes:

      Thank you Zekrom.
    10. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      No support
    11. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      No support was very immature on the staff team. And never active
    12. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      Purge I'm genuinely concerned that you're a robot, I mean you seem to be doing the same cycle every few months. You come back saying you changed, get a bit of support on your app, then a few people come in with (sometimes harsh) criticizing, and you close it, you then leave for another few months, sometimes logging on to comment on random threads, then come back a few months later and repeat the cycle.

      The last application you did I mentioned this same thing, that I didn't see why I should believe that that application would go any differently then your last ones, and you very quickly proved me right as you closed it soon after I left that comment.

      I could go into other reasons why I don't see you fit for this position, but all you have to do is look at my post on your previous app and see that you've done nothing to disprove my statements or prove that you've changed since you were last moderator here.

      I don't see a reason why I should believe you've changed, and therefor I don't see a reason to support you right now. Goodluck though.
    13. AcePvP

      AcePvP Active Member

      Apr 13, 2019
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      The short time i was on the staff team from what i had heard about you was that you were hard to work with and annoying, i remember when i no supported your application you went from support on mine to no support so thats a fat No from me.
    14. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      From what youtuber said, I am going to neutral as I believe in change from people. Get out of the cycle and I will consider changing.
      Be more active, do some reports, and be involved.

      Best of luck!
    15. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support - reasons already stated by Tuber.
    16. Jichdt

      Jichdt Active Member

      Nov 2, 2019
      Likes Received:
      No support, reasons stated above and I have never seen you in-game. Willing to change if you work on the feedback that has been given to you.
    17. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No Support, so many reasons why lol.
    18. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      I understand my activity is a major role. I won’t be closing this application.

      Sorry for any hard feelings.

      What should I do to improve. @Gabe

      I’m willing to change. Ive been active ingame a lot as of recently.
    19. Alisha Jade

      Alisha Jade Experienced Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Neutral, reasons stated. Also, why does this application barely got any information about you compared to your old one? Like Sabrina said, I think you should put your skills and traits on here too.
    20. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Neutral - willing to change if you improve activity and make reports.
    21. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Just added those skills and trait's because I think it's needed. Reason I didn't before is because most previous mods who re-apply only make a short explanation.

      Willing to do these. I also made alot of report's in the past if you wanted to see. Thank you very much for a open mind.
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