I'm thinking of actually putting effort into one of these lists, like 1v1ing all the good pvpers on mv in several settings like potpvp, gapple, uhc, etc and actually using statistics to measure their skill rather than guessing. But I doubt anyone other than me cares enough about rankings.
That's exactly what I did. -w/o the ones that (i think or have been proven to) cheat But then again this is based on how they do against me. Maybe someone with a different playstyle can beat my #1 and lose to my #10
After finding out 24Ohz and porkchop are actually the same person and that porkchop mostlikely cheats (not 100%) I've decided to remove them from the list
update: i am not 24Ohz and there's no proof of it (we even have 50ms difference and proved that we weren't the same person)
To be fair, you could use a vpn or proxy in another country or get a client to spoof your latency. But like you said, lack of evidence. Always innocent until proven guilty